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Theory: Renarin already Surgebinds


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a.) He charges onto the battlefield in WoK against the chasmfiend, strangely confidant.

b.) Brandon wrote "Renarin sees a spren no one else sees" or something in Feather's copy of WoK


He turns down the Blade offered to him on sight, even though he was amenable to the notion in WoK. This suggests that his spren only had the visceral "yuck" reaction when the Blade was physically present.

EDIT: Thank you Jason. Also fixed spelling.

Edited by Swimmingly
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If Dalinar does die in WoR, one of his sons will have to continue the task that Tanavast gave him. If so, I bet it will be Renarin. He looks more like the rebuilding and uniting type than his brother (though I guess Adolin will help, too). So if he already Surgebinds, so much the better!

Edited by skaa
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2 points anybody thing Szeth might accidentally kill him since he's in Dalinars Plate? And is it possible he's in league with Taravangian if the king is sending Szeth after Dalinar because of the visions I feel like Renarin is the likely one to be giving him the info? Just some thoughts don't know if they have been discussed before.

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2 points anybody thing Szeth might accidentally kill him since he's in Dalinars Plate? And is it possible he's in league with Taravangian if the king is sending Szeth after Dalinar because of the visions I feel like Renarin is the likely one to be giving him the info? Just some thoughts don't know if they have been discussed before.

I think that's just speculation, why would Renarin betray his father? I think he was sent from stopping him from reuniting the High Princes by killing Papa Kholin but i think you are right there is a mole. Mr.T seemed to know too much right after it happened! 


I can see that happening since he is wearing his fathers plate it would create that misunderstanding and cause main characters to go at it.

I think Szeth will give Dalinar the Voidsphere or drop a hint he has something of Gavilar's then attack him and Kaladin will 'hold' him off while reinforcements arrive. I'm one of the ones who thinks Kaladin hasn't mastered enough of his Windrunner powers to take on Szeth yet but i think the fight will show him what he is capable of.

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Ya that's kinda what I'm thinking I think a fight with Szethmight give us a glimpse of Renarins power and I threw the connection with Mr. T out there as Renarin because I feel that with his sickness he probably spent a lot of time in Kharbranth and got to know the king not that he necessarily knows he is betraying Dalinar mabey just giving some info to his friend

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Personally, I don't think Renarin's spent time as a patient in Kharbranth. Remember, he doesn't have a disease. It's not something that's curable. Medicine on Roshar is fairly advanced, so they could probably diagnose that and realize that it's not something one would really be hospitalized for. It's a condition, a "blood weakness" (though that's a pretty vague term) and his family knows that he's not dying from it or contagious. 


I've been theorizing for a while now that Renarin's got a surgebinding spren, ever since Brandon gave that info. I'm really, really hoping that's the case, though only more text will tell. I'm hoping he's already got his powers, but it's possible that he doesn't. We'll just have to see. I'm pretty sure he's not a traitor too, but well, I've already written that essay a long while ago.


(And it was my copy of The Emperor's Soul, actually, not The Way of Kings, hehe.)

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