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Stormlight/Mistborn Connection (Potential Spoiler)


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Ok, so I will admit that I am desperate and stretching as Oathbringer grows near, but is it possible that the silver knife Shallan sees in the Ghostblood's basement lair collection of random items is the Nazh/Kelsier knife from SH? I tried to find direct physical evidence but came up empty other than possible Ghostblood worldhopping and my theory that the basement isn't on Roshar, which I'm sure has been discussed already.

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37 minutes ago, CosmereAvair said:

A little side connection that I think is possible that the Scandrians are the ones behind the fabrial technology being created at a exponential rate. In WoK Dalinar even mentions that Fabrials could not be found in his visions of the past being sent by Taln.

I'm a little confused as to why you think fabrials are advancing at a suspicious rate. Roshar is large and has plenty of scientists and good communication for its tech level via spanreed. Also, Taln isn't sending anyone visions. Do you mean the Stormfather?

Edited by Crucible of Shards
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Whoops my bad meant to say the storm father about the visions, and I never said that the fabrial technology was moving at a suspicious rate, just exponential one. Only reason I think that scandrains could be involved is because they seem to be the most technically advanced race in the cosmere, and its not really based on anything but that, its more of just a hopeful thing really.

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