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Preservation and the weapon that killed Adonalsium


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 think I know who knows, or rather, knew, where the remains of the weapon is: Preservation!

in secret history, Preservation says 

"I needed a sign. Something he couldn't change. A sign of the weapon I'd buried. The boiling point of water, I think. Maybe it's freezing point? But what if the units change over the years? I needed something that would be remembered always. Something they'll immediately recognize. Sixteen."

a sign of the weapon, and sixteen, being one of those signs, and how many Shards it split Adonalsium into, is too much of a coincidence.

Also, Ruin and Preservation created Scadrial, so they could design aspects of it in special ways. If he had buried it at the core of the planet, no one would be able to get to it, not on the Physical Realm, not without Either Ruin or Preservation noticing, and they wouldn't be able to get to it in the Cognitive Realm, as the investiture in metal makes it so that Shards cannot touch or influence it and probably are unable to get past it, so Shards would not be able to get to the core of the planet, because the inner and outer cores would be made out of metal. In addition, Ruin and Preservation are so heavily invested in the planet that they can't leave, so that would make them Guards that can't leave their posts. 

The only thing I can't figure out is what the boiling/freezing point of water has to do with the weapon of opposition of Adonalsium.

What do you guys think?

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It's not what you think it is. We know that Adonalsium was split by the now shards and it was also said that there was a force that opposed Adonalsium. Sanderson considered a group of people to be a "force", implying the original shardholders. Also, the weapon that Preservation was talking about was the Atium cache which would be burned by the Atium Mistings, denying Ruin's means to end the world.

The sixteen part is also a reference to the number of shards split from Adonalsium and the number of metals in Allomancy. The number 16 is a constant in Sanderson's Cosmere and shouldn't really be thought about too hard. If there really was a weapon like that in the cosmere, it would be too much of an investiture beacon and probably would've already been found by now.

And finally, in regards to the boiling point of water, that wouldn't work either as that can change depending on atmospheric pressure, as atmospheric pressure changes depending on high up you are. Also unit changing is also a problem. Preservation realised this and decided on 16, as it was the cosmere constant--something He thought they should recognise, but at that time His mind was also pretty much gone.

If I can find the interviews which I got this information from, I'll edit this and post them below.

Edited by Arkadious
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it would be an investiture beacon, but it is in the metal core of a planet made , where metal is highly invested, so that might disguise anything that is there, especially if it has been used up.

Also, I'm pretty sure that he thought of it before his mind was gone, because he made sixteen the number of metals.

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