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This might be a question that has been asked before, but I haven't seen it in the forums. What is the deal with Ishikk? I've read Way of Kings twice now, and am on my third read through, the other two times I brushed him off as a funny character helping the group of men hunting down Hoid. But this time something struck me, on the very first page of his persepective Ishikk while thinking about the Pure Lake called it Sela Tales and that it had been Epoch Kingdom. How does Ishikk know this, are the names of the Epoch Kingdoms that common? Also why did the world hoppers go to him to find Hoid? Have they just picked random people in the different countries of Roshar to help them or did they come to Ishikk in particular? If there has already been a discussion on this or a WoB on this please let me know.

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Dalinar knew the ancient name of Alethela, when it came up in one of his visions. And some of the western people groups (Selay, Makabaki) are named for Epoch kingdoms that no longer exist, so it's not like those kingdoms have been forgotten. I don't think his knowledge of Sela Tales is anything too significant.

As to why the Seventeenth Shard chose him, we haven't received any clues beyond what is in the Interlude itself. They had been looking in other places, I think, asking more than just Ishikk. He just happens to be the POV in the book. I don't see anything indicating he is more than what he appears to be.

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The Purelakers might be great at history, for all we know. Ishikk knowing about Epoch Kingdoms is probably not out of the ordinary. 

As for why Ishikk was hired, the 17th Shard probably looked around to see who travelled a lot, and was well-known in the area. They heard about Ishikk and hired him. I also doubt that Ishikk is the only one working for Galladon & co. They probably have other people in other places as well. 

Otherwise Ishikk is basically just an awesome fisherman with a funny religion. 

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4 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

As to why the Seventeenth Shard chose him, we haven't received any clues beyond what is in the Interlude itself. They had been looking in other places, I think, asking more than just Ishikk. He just happens to be the POV in the book. I don't see anything indicating he is more than what he appears to be.

I've had the idea bouncing around in my head for a while that it may have to do with the Purelake fish having symbiotic relationships with Spren similar to the Ryshadium. Ishikk seems familiar with them and mentions (in his internal monologue) that a fish my be able to find Hoid. 



INTERVIEW: Feb 17th, 2016


Are any of the fish in the Purelake Invested?


The fish in the Purelake, like the Ryshadium and other things you will see, are not 100% normal.



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Something I noticed that I haven’t seen talked about: 

His foreigners splashed down into the Purelake. Grump was last. He seemed very dissatisfied. “Where are you, Roamer? What a fool’s quest this is.” Then, he added in his own tongue, “Alavanta kamaloo kayana.”

  He splashed after his companions.

  “Well, you’ve got the ‘fool’ part right,” Ishikk said with a chuckle, turning his own direction and heading off to check on his traps.


Why does Ishikk understand Grump? Grump is speaking in his own language, and Ishikk understands him. Why? How? 

Ishikk is more than he seems. 

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4 minutes ago, Meganagem said:

Why does Ishikk understand Grump? Grump is speaking in his own language, and Ishikk understands him. Why? How? 

Only the portion at the end “Alavanta kamaloo kayana.” was spoken in Duladen. He understood what was said for the same reason we did. 

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