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Everstorm movement vs. Highstorm movement.

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We know that the Everstorm will make its circuit around the planet regularly, but I assume that highstorms will still come regularly as well. This could very well mean that another clash of storms could be on the horizon for Roshar (since they're moving in opposite directions at differing speeds), and that's a scary thought.

Another question I had relates to the nature of the storm. We know a la Nale that


the parshendi summoned a cluster of voidspren.

Does the Everstorm also yield voidlight in the same way that the Stormfather is the pipeline to the SR that supplies stormlight? My gut says no, and I can't think of any evidence to support the idea. Just curious what other people's thoughts are.

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2 hours ago, Crucible of Shards said:

We know that the Everstorm will make its circuit around the planet regularly, but I assume that highstorms will still come regularly as well.

Well this is not exactly true.  There is some factor in Highstorms that we just don't know.  If the storm simply cycled around the planet it should come at some regular period.  But since Stonewards use some mysterious calculations, we know that there have to be other factors involved.  

The Weeping points to this as well.  The changing of seasons at random intervals also probably has or is influenced by the same factors. Since 1 Rosharan year is determined by the Weeping, not by the seasons, there is something crazy going on with either the axial tilt, the elliptic orbit, or solar output.

Highstorms come "regularly" but not consistently.  

Will the Everstorm be consistent? We don't know.

Edited by FiveLate
I hate autocorrect...when will I get every word added?
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Also the highstorm's movement can somehow be affected by the stormfather? The storm that ended the weeping was NOT supposed to come, it occurred because the Stormfather wished it to, at least according to Syl. What does THAT imply? Did the Stormfather create a new storm? Or did he simply speed up its movement? Is it that each weeping is when the highstorm dies, and a new one starts and circles Roshar for a year, before dying at the next weeping, and that the Stormfather simply created a new storm sooner?

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one thought i had this morning (through the pre-upcoming oathbringer reread of the stormlight archive) was... have we asked how regular the speed is of the highstorms? i mean- if those on the shattered plains are the first to see & experience each highstorm, with their mathematical deductions of when they come to begin with, if they were to send out a handful of messages across roshar via spanreed to at least prepare the rest of the world. i mean- think of how well prepared you could be if you could guarantee down to the hour when you would exposed to the highstorm based on following trajectory throughout Roshar via spanreed? This would all be dependent on whether it moves at a regular rate, consistently- however, even with irregular alterations, those west of the shattered plains would/should have a better, more accurate notification of when to expect the highstorms presuming they are able to receive information from those east of them.

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On 8/31/2017 at 10:27 AM, Crucible of Shards said:

Does the Everstorm also yield voidlight in the same way that the Stormfather is the pipeline to the SR that supplies stormlight? My gut says no, and I can't think of any evidence to support the idea. Just curious what other people's thoughts are.

Have you been reading the Oathbringer preview chapters? This question is answered in chapter 5.


The Everstorm hadn’t recharged his spheres, of course. Neither with Stormlight nor some other energy, which he’d feared might happen.

edit: I just realized this was posted before the preview chapters were being released, but I guess I'll leave it anyway.

Edited by Ansalem
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