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Just made an account and i'm not really sure what i'm doing her, to be honest i'll probably spend much more time lurking than posting, but i thought I would introduce myself. I started reading Sanderson quite recently and i haven't yet read anything non-cosmere but i love everything I've read so far.  I cannot wait for Oathbringer, I'm so excited! I've also just started Shaows of Self and am loving it. Hope everyone's having a good time.

Also, please could someone explain why everyone's talking about cookies. As i said I'm new here and very confused.

Thank you.


Edited by Caitlin
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Hi there @Caitlin , welcome to the 17th Shard :D

I've yet to read any of Brandon's non-Cosmere works either, this is something that I'm planning to rectify soon. Shadows of Self is a really really good book, glad you're loving it, and Bands of Mourning is even better imo.

I'm counting the days till Oathbringer's release. So so excited.

Have you read Elantris and Warbreaker, as well?

As for the cookies, it's just an in-joke here at the 17th shard, which I think originated in the role-playing section here. Whenever some new comes along to the forum some members offer them cookies while others try to warn them against it ('cause they have Hemalurgic spikes in them).  Personally I think the spikes are good for your health but some others may disagree :P

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13 minutes ago, Caitlin said:


Thank you, especially for explaining the cookie thing. I've read Elantris and loved it but i haven't yet read Warbreaker, I intend to start it after I've read Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning.

Awesome! Warbreaker is an amazing book imo, you'll love it. Also make sure to read Arcanum Unbounded after finishing with the novels, it's full of great short stories and novellas from across the Cosmere.

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Explanation on the cookies. The Dark Alley (our resident hemalurgists) do their best to spike newcomers. Some of us (particularly some of the Technicolored Assassins) do our best to prevent spiking. Chaos ensues, occasionally with lots of pun making. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, welcome to the Shard, @Aciilnt Stormblessed ! I'm a little late, but I hope you enjoy the community! We'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions here at the shard, but lurking in dark alleys is always fun, too :D

While lurking on the shard, don't forget to take a complementary baked good :) we'll be branching into pastries soon, but for now I hope you enjoy a delicious cookie!

File:Spike looking at his freshly baked cookies S1E24.png

DISCLAIMER: Side effects include, but are not limited to, hearing voices, gaining supernatural powers, having the sudden urge to kill everyone, and completely losing control over your mind and body. The Dark Alley™ claims no liability for any damage done to/by the eater of this cookie.

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