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I figured I couldn't call myself a true fan of Brandon Sanderson until I got a 17th Shard account. I've read pretty much everything by him (except White Sand and some of the non-cosmere novellas) and would like to say I'm rather proficient in my understanding of the Comere but in reality that's probably very untrue. Anyways, hoping not to spark a heated debate here, but quick question: Mistborn or Stormlight Archive? 

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Welcome to nerdiness of Sandertown. This is a fun place, and I think you will fit right in.

Mistborn or Stormlight? I love them both so much for different reasons, but if I had to pick one, Stormlight. Maybe because that is what I am reading, but I think it is because there seems to be NO END to the complex world-building and secrets and hidden gems.

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Welcome! I think we're on the same page here - I've read all the Cosmere except White Sand, and all of his Non-Cosmere ones except Infinity Blade, WoT, and some Non-Cosmere Novellas :D 

Definitely SA. Except for maybe the exception of Kelsier. Kelsier is awesome.

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Welcome to silverlight

Have a cookie as a welcoming gift along with an upvote (they go great together)  . I belived myself quite proficient in the cosmere until I joined as well it only took a couple of weeks until I got that illusion puff into stormlight .as for your question  I will have to agree with  cloudjumper the characters of mistborn resonate better with me . 

Also @MightCosmere I belive what you were atempting to do was use the mention function , which you can access by pressing @ and fooliwing it up with the name of the person you want to call (or selecting his name from the popdown menu ) sorry if I misunderstood your intentions and that wasnt what you wanted to do

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A cookie? I think I'm failing to understand the concept here... Does this site use lots of cookies or is this something else we're talking about? 


As for whether I enjoy Mistborn or Sa better, here's the deal:

I must admit I'm partial to Mistborn because I read it first, but I also love it because the character development is unlike anything I've ever seen (at least in the first trilogy), the magic system is overwhelmingly intense, exciting, and complex, and the plot sequences, large and small, are profound and enthralling. 

Where Mistborn lacks in culture and worldbuilding, Brandon seriously outdoes it in SA. The lore, language, customs, appearance, religion, and social systems of the various countries on Roshar are amazing. I believe when Brandon is done with the series I will love it more, simply because I'll understand the magic system better and because the characters will flush out a little more. As if they haven't yet already haha *clears throat at Shallan and Kaladin*

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1 hour ago, Tenziden said:

A cookie? I think I'm failing to understand the concept here... Does this site use lots of cookies or is this something else we're talking about? 

They cookies are..........spiked. Hence my capitalization of 'Ruining'. Also, avoid double posting as it is generally frowned upon. You can edit previous posts. 

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not sure if this is coined or officially approved by the masses...but "Sandersonions" seems to be a great genus species identifier here ;)

Homo-Sapiens -> Homo-Sandersonions ....not sure it's as cool as Homo-Sapiens -> Homo-Superior (X-men) B)

(and in no way was this meant to be taken in the 3rd grade vernacular....grow up people)

....oh and Welcome to the Forum!

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