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Aether announces his return


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I am cheating a bit here, because as might be evident from my 1'700+ posts, I am by no means a newcomer to the 17th Shard.

I have, however been inactive for more than three years. A recent reread of several Cosmere books have prompted me to return to the forums, however, and while I likely will not dive head first into my old pattern of obsessive and compulsive posting, I wish to make a bid for my old "position" as one of the theorising mastodons come the release of Oathbringer. I probably won't be focused around Lists(tm), though.

So, what has happened in my life during the three last years?

  • Recovered from severe depressions. My own experiences has really made me respect Brandon even more for how he portrayed Kaladin.
  • Switched Majors (and Minors) from Law to Philosophy. I wrote my Bachelor's Thesis about epistemological resources in friendships (I specialise in Social Epistemology).
  • Moved around a lot (still based in Norway for the time being, however).
  • Accidentally killed a cat (sorry, @Kurkistan). It ran in front of my while I was bicycling.
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8 minutes ago, Flash said:

Have fun competing with Extesian and Calderis.

Who? Gods, what happened with the old lot? Is Weirywriter still active? I know Kurkistan has been posting, but how active is he at theorising?

Edited by Aether
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Just now, Aether said:

Who? Gods, what happened with the old lot? Is Weirywriter still active? I know Kurkistan has been posting, but how active is he at theorising?

I haven't seen them at all. The most prodigious posters are the one who connects, extesian, and calderis. 

I figure most of the older guys will come back when Oathbringer comes out.

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Just now, Flash said:

I haven't seen them at all. The most prodigious posters are the one who connects, extesian, and calderis. 

I figure most of the older guys will come back when Oathbringer comes out.

Well, I disappeared, so not that surprising others might have as well. I will take a look at what those three posts, will be fun to dive into what sort of theories are tossed around currently.

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7 minutes ago, Aether said:

Who? Gods, what happened with the old lot? Is Weirywriter still active? I know Kurkistan has been posting, but how active is he at theorising?

Welcome back, I've seen posts from you from before I joined :) Yeah most of the old lot have been really inactive, they're mostly on Discord. Kurkistan's theorizing hasn't been active though he did update his epic time bubble thread. But they assure us that all will be back to normal once Oathbringer is out. Something I can't wait for! I want to be part of the amazing discovery threads I've seen from before I joined 7 months ago :) 

On other notes I'm glad you've recovered and I'm glad you're living in the world's prettiest country!

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2 minutes ago, Extesian said:

Welcome back, I've seen posts from you from before I joined :) Yeah most of the old lot have been really inactive, they're mostly on Discord. Kurkistan's theorizing hasn't been active though he did update his epic time bubble thread. But they assure us that all will be back to normal once Oathbringer is out. Something I can't wait for! I want to be part of the amazing discovery threads I've seen from before I joined 7 months ago :) 

On other notes I'm glad you've recovered and I'm glad you're living in the world's prettiest country!

There's a Discord channel? Is it open for whomever?

The first few months after a major release is always super exciting. Even during these three years away, I have dipped into the fora to take a look at what people are writing about around every Cosmere release. You absolutely have something to look forward to!

And thanks, and thanks ! I wouldn't say the prettiest, as variation is the soul of beauty, and there are many other different yet also beautiful countries. But it is nice here =D

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2 minutes ago, Aether said:

There's a Discord channel? Is it open for whomever?

The first few months after a major release is always super exciting. Even during these three years away, I have dipped into the fora to take a look at what people are writing about around every Cosmere release. You absolutely have something to look forward to!

And thanks, and thanks ! I wouldn't say the prettiest, as variation is the soul of beauty, and there are many other different yet also beautiful countries. But it is nice here =D

 Yeah they started it up a few months ago I think, here's the link (which hopefully works?)


It's now the only place we hear from the Ancients most of the time, there's some good discussions on there. 

And I agree, variety is everything. But for classic beauty, it's hard to go too far past the Norwegian fjords. Cruising them is one of my greatest scenic travel experiences :)

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15 minutes ago, Extesian said:

And I agree, variety is everything. But for classic beauty, it's hard to go too far past the Norwegian fjords. Cruising them is one of my greatest scenic travel experiences :)

The fjords really are majestic, I agree. But I am a bigger fan of the mountains. And the great, uh, plains(?) in Hardanger. Almost has a Scottish moors feel to them, but with much more colour.
There is a famous painting that really encapsulates the beauty of the mountains. It's "Fra Stalheim" by Johan Christian Dahl, though you cannot really get the proper feeling from it on a computer screen. That thing is MASSIVE, almost two meters in height and two-and-a-half in length. The dude even painted lemmings into the foreground. Lemmings !

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4 minutes ago, Claincy said:

Weiry's still around, don't know how active he is in theorising at the moment. I've barely touched those parts of the forum in years *shrugs*.

Oh, hi Claincy ! Good to see a familiar face (well, familiar pixels) !

The forums die down a bit between major publications, and most of us specialise in certain series (except for Kurk, of course), so I suppose It would be difficult to keep track of even major posters if you don't frequent the same fora?

How has the Discord channel worked out, btw? Has it hampered this site in any way?

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3 minutes ago, Aether said:

Oh, hi Claincy ! Good to see a familiar face (well, familiar pixels) !



The forums die down a bit between major publications, and most of us specialise in certain series (except for Kurk, of course), so I suppose It would be difficult to keep track of even major posters if you don't frequent the same fora?

Yeah. I'm aware of the active people in the small subsections of the forum I regularly check (and the discord) but outside of that I know there's a whole bunch of active people I basically never see :P


How has the Discord channel worked out, btw? Has it hampered this site in any way?

Hums to consideration.

I reckon it probably has decreased post rates slightly, particularly in more chat-based threads like the Random Stuff thread in general. But I'd say there has been far more conversation in discord than that little bit of traffic the forums lost, so a net positive. The discord works better than the forums for casual conversation and chatting and the forums work better for most other things. :)

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As someone who exclusively uses the theorizing forums (plus a bit of meme and Sanderfan funnies) I can say that traffic has decreased a lot in 7 months, but the post count from the old guard has gone down heaps since Discord. I agree it's a net positive but the theorizing forums sure are lacking the expertise they had. I mean most newer members consider me a resource and I've only been here half a year. Which is nice, but not as nice as when the Weirys, Kurks and so on are actively contributing. Come at me Oathvember! 

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17 minutes ago, Extesian said:

As someone who exclusively uses the theorizing forums (plus a bit of meme and Sanderfan funnies) I can say that traffic has decreased a lot in 7 months, but the post count from the old guard has gone down heaps since Discord. I agree it's a net positive but the theorizing forums sure are lacking the expertise they had. I mean most newer members consider me a resource and I've only been here half a year. Which is nice, but not as nice as when the Weirys, Kurks and so on are actively contributing. Come at me Oathvember! 

Some of the older mastodons are just impossible to replace. Kurk in particular has written the equivalent of books in theorising and mapping of Realmatics in particular. A bit messy work, true, but solid beyond compare.

Some of the newer material I am reading now also seem to lack a bit of rigour, but that might be more about my own high standards twisted even higher by my choice of education.

But, again, all of this will likely change come November, possibly even earlier, given how many sample chapters we will be given this time.

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Welcome back Aether! Sorry that we've betrayed you by not keeping the flame burning quite as bright. :\

I've been less active as of late (read: for a few years), for which I blame employment. Don't have quite the focus/energy to pump out book-length theory posts and/or engage in such conversations when I'm using the same brain-parts to make a living. I too look forward to Oathvember as hopefully giving me some cool stuff to look into/talk about.

Re: Discord cutting down posting rates: For me at the very least this is a matter of false correlation. I'm not hyper-active on Discord (mostly the #staff channel and discussion about the new WoB archive, which are both hidden) and only even made an account there recently. I don't intend to do any "serious" theorizing there, as I don't really find IMs conducive to good discussion.

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1 minute ago, Kurkistan said:

Welcome back Aether! Sorry that we've betrayed you but not keeping the flame burning quite as bright. :\

I don't feel betrayed, I was just surprised to dive into the forums properly for the first time in years and find that the landscape had changed drastically.

Currently reading your updated Time Bubble post. Whether you will continue to churn out new material or not, at least your previous work is still pretty amazing.

1 minute ago, Kurkistan said:

I've been less active as of late (read: for a few years), for which I blame employment. Don't have quite the focus/energy to pump out book-length theory posts and/or engage in such conversations when I'm using the same brain-parts to make a living.

May I ask what you do for a living? I've wondered that for years (well, way back when, at least), but never thought to ask.

1 minute ago, Kurkistan said:


So that nomenclature is now a thing. That word irks me. It looks horrible. Not like Squirearchy, which looks amazing.

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3 minutes ago, Aether said:

May I ask what you do for a living? I've wondered that for years (well, way back when, at least), but never thought to ask.

Software development. Brandon wasn't kidding when he said (couldn't resist an unnecessary citation there :) ) it uses the creative part of your brain.

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42 minutes ago, Kurkistan said:

Software development. Brandon wasn't kidding when he said (couldn't resist an unnecessary citation there :) ) it uses the creative part of your brain.

I don't think I've seen that before. He's dead on though, good programming is a combination of logic and creativity. :)

Hums to amusement.

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Welcome back. I lurked long enough to remember you, and I'm happy to see your return. 

I hope you're the beginning of a resurgence after Oathbringer, I love this place, and my feeble ramblings are no substitute for the substance of the old guards posts. 

I know you said you weren't going to post obsessively, but I look forward to the activities you do decide to participate in. 

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Welcome back, Aether!

Having been a part of three Sanderson-related Discord servers, I can say they are excellent venues for quick theoretical discussions, but the 17th Shard is still the best for sharing long theories because you can actually link to 17th Shard posts and those can be accessed even by outsiders.

The two theories I posted earlier this year were both influenced by (and were later modified because of) Discord discussions. This method--discussing ideas on Discord then organizing the ideas into a 17th Shard theory post-- is something I will probably keep using in the future. You should try it, too!

Unfortunately I'm in a sort of hiatus because of problems I've been having in real life lately. Seems like that's a trend here, huh? Anyway, I hope to see new theories from you. :)

Oh, by the way, here's the current successor to your Master List of Origins thread. @The Young Bard took over the origin-tracking task a year after Quitecontrary left.

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