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King Cole

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I thought of this while brainstorming cool forms that bonded spren could take. At first I thought that a shard gun would be really cool. Then I realized that wouldn't do much and would be unnecessarily complicated. Then I was struck with the (debatably) genius idea of a Shard-bullet. Simply summon your spren, load them into a gun, shoot the bullet, then dismiss and resummon the spren. The ammunition is infinite, and if you hit your target it is a guaranteed kill. 

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For ranged, I think chakram or boomerang would be best personally. 

Their thrown weapons, so require no extra equipment be carried, and their ability to be summoned back makes them limitless, and their also wide enough blades to almost guarantee real damage. 

The biggest problem with a Shardarrow/bullet is if you don't hit the spine or the core of a limb, the damage is pretty minimal. 

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With any of those, though you would have to have a good aim (last I checked, the spren can't control its trajectory in shard form, right?). Also, I personally like the idea of a shard-lasso. I'm not sure how it would kill anyone, though :blink:

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16 minutes ago, CarolaDavar said:

I just want to try using a large Shardfork ^_^

Hmm maybe shards can be used in other ways, like it could be a shard tuning fork... and then when you sound it it kills people! Or it just has perfect pitch

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27 minutes ago, Fatling said:

I'm not sure how it would kill anyone, though

Who says the inside of the loop has to be smooth? Garrote wire is a thing you know.

Biggest issue with the lasso is that it has to be metal. Granted, chain instead of rope could work, since the strength of plate would counteract the weight somewhat

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Honestly, I feel like simplicity is sort of the way to go with shardweapons.  They're essentially indestructible under most circumstances, and any solid hit is going to cause catastrophic damage.

The shardblade is a decent default form, but something with a little more reach would be better for slaughtering infantry.  Assuming that spren-blades can't just be arbitrarily long and thin, it seems reasonable to assume that you could still achieve a longer reach by making the handle longer and the blade shorter and thinner.  Something like a fauchard or war-scythe could conceivably double a Radiant's reach (and therefore, their killing power).

Against an opponent in shardplate, the length of  the blade on a shardblade is actually a determent in terms of its destructive potential, as it spreads out the force of the impact too much.  Szeth uses stabbing motions to great effect to quickly break through individual sections of plate (IIRC, he even one-shots an opponent's helmet in Kharbranth at some point), whereas duelists like Adolin tend to generally rely on a more conservative (defensive) style of fighting where they attempt to slash the same sections repeatedly.  Combining these two tactics ought to be extremely effective, IE: a shard-pickaxe (or morningstar), combining the more conservative and defensible slashing motion of a shardblade, with the increased pressure and destructive potential of landing the concentrated hit of a stabbing motion.  With very little change to his style, Adolin (if he had a living-sprenblade) could go from slowly cracking his opponent's plate, to cleaving through entire pieces with each hit, all without exposing himself to any additional danger.

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