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So hi guys, I forgot to make one of these a couple months ago when I joined, but guess what I exist!!

Most of the time when I post stuff it's really insane/half-baked theories that may be just crazy enough to work. 

And, uh, I like... long walks on the beach, and food...

*sees bowl of cookies*

Oh cool what are these!

*picks one up*

Oh they're oatmeal raisin, nevermind...

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21 minutes ago, TeleWorms said:

Hey! Welcome to the Shard! Well, actually, I guess I'm a bit late on that.

Anyway, have an upvote! If I may ask, what Branderson books have you read? 

And, as always: do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.


Almost all the cosmere, save for warbreaker and white sand, and I've read the Alcatraz series, the reckoners, the Rithmatist, and... I think that's it?

And also, don't tell me when I can and cannot eat the cookies...

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35 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

Welcome! Oatmeal raisin is actually a close second behind snickerdoodle for me...I guess we can still be friends though.

Hey, you know the old saying by Martin Luther Cookie jr. :

Do not judge a man by the choice of his cookies, but rather the content of his cosmere theories 

And being friends sounds good... for now


(also sorry for the double post I tried editing this into my last post but I couldn't get the quoted post to work)

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Double posting is fine, no trouble. 

Since you've read most of the Cosmere, what book has been your favorite? Mine's Way of Kings, and I really recommend reading White Sand in both the graphic novel and it's prose version. 

And trust me, you definitely do not want to eat those cookies. 

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welcome to the shard worldhopper , i am manukos head chef of silver light.
i heard you like cookies i just made a batch of chocolate chip cookies , have one 



if you have any questions about how the shard operates feel free to pm me , now excuse me but there is prepwork to be done 

P.S. have an upvote as well , upvotes go  great with cookies

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@Jonathon Hey, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote and a free spiked delicious cookie!



DISCLAIMER: Side effects include, but are not limited to, hearing voices, gaining supernatural powers, having the sudden urge to kill everyone, and completely losing control over your mind and body. The Dark Alley™ claims no liability for any damage done to/by the eater of this cookie.

Also, nice job with basically already reading everything Brandon's published. I definitely was not in your position when I joined this site. I had only read The Reckoners and The Rithmatist. Of course, I loved both of those, so I dived into the Cosmere and fell in love. I'd recommend that you read Warbreaker as soon as possible, then reread the Stormlight Archive. Some things will make more sense. If you don't have time to reread WoK, then you can just reread WoR. 

Which Cosmere book is your favorite? Who is/are your favorite character(s)? What is your favorite non-Cosmere book? If you could be on any Cosmere world, which one and why?

(Also, double posting is fine when you can't edit in the quote, but try to edit your first post if you can)

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well, eat the cookie and welcome! I have given up warning people against the spikes in cookies - way too many people from dark alleys with endless supplies of cookies. Just spit the spikes out if you're sensible.

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To answer all the "favorite" questions, I like Wayne, I like Words of Radiance (and everything else), Non-cosmere fav would be the Rithmatist, and if I could live on any cosmere world... I'd say Southern Scadrial during the period of time right before they start interacting with the Northerners. 

*takes a bite of cookie*

*spits it out*

Huh, I don't remember chocolate chips tasting so... iron-y

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Well, welcome to the shard! I guess. A little late on that. But when you read Warbreaker, pay really close attention to Nightblood. And when you reread WoR, pay really close attention to part five, winds alight. Especially parts about Szeth. ;)

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30 minutes ago, Tesh Kholin said:

Well, welcome to the shard! I guess. A little late on that. But when you read Warbreaker, pay really close attention to Nightblood. And when you reread WoR, pay really close attention to part five, winds alight. Especially parts about Szeth. ;)

That part was spoiled for me real quick after I read WoR. But thanks for the advice anyway

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