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Vectors and Wallpapers - Surge/Voidbinding charts and more

Shadow Guardian

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So, in the effort of trying to kill time while waiting for Words of Radiance, I ended up deciding to make a vector of the surgebinding chart in TWoK. For anyone unaware, vectors are images which don't pixelate, regardless of zoom. I found these by aWESomeness summoned about halfway through my progress, so I know I'm late to the party, but I figured I'd finish and share anyways, since my offerings are a bit different, and I don't have many other places to share this particular work. Eventually, I may get around to doing the voidbinding chart* and/or other stuff, but we'll see. aWESomeness summoned has already done a very good job on a lot of the stuff I was considering, but I still have to somehow get through the next month until WoR comes out.


2020 Edit/update:

I know this post has been dead, particularly after DropBox broke all of the links a few years back (hopefully they don't do so again...), but now with Rhythm of War coming out, I figured I'd finally update/rewrite this, since I have a few new(ish) things to share that I've added over the years, and I figured I should make this whole post easier to navigate. As I said in my original post more than 6 years ago.... (it's been a long time....), I've made vectors of the surgebinding chart and others. Mainly because I like tracing things in Illustrator (when time permits), and I usually take those vectors and try to make what I hope are some cool desktop wallpapers. And every now and then I remember to try to share them around.

All real credit should go to Isaac Stewart for creating all of the original glyphs. I've simply taken those designs and tried to make some cool results.


DropBox - This is just my entire Sanderson folder for anyone who wants to dig around. The Wallpapers are exactly that, the Assets and Misc. includes various high-res .png and .svg vector file exports of the glyphs/symbols/etc. that I have vectored, and used to create the aforementioned wallpapers. If you want to take any of these and use them to make more cool artwork, please feel free to do so. Just keep in mind that the original artwork and designs all still belong to Dragonsteel Entertainment.

Wallpapers - All of the Sanderson-related wallpapers that I have created over the years. Starting with the surgebinding chart back from before Words of Radiance came out to a few newer ones using the new space age Stormlight Archive symbol. Some are more creative than others, and some are very basic. I'll post some previews below, but use this link to download any of them in their original export quality.


Surgebinding Chart:




Voidbinding Chart:

(credit to llwvyn for what became WP2, and for general feedback on most of these as they've been created):







Stormlight Archive Logo(s)/Double eye:




Cosmere Symbol/Bridge 4:




More to come eventually/maybe. I've learned not to make commitments that I'm bad about keeping. 

Edited by Shadow Guardian
Complete post re-write because of dead links and for some new content.
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Thanks Shadow Guardian, another source of vectors can be found on the Coppermind where we have the Orders, the Surges, the equivalent void Surges, the Aons, and three sets of Metal symbols already vectored for (fair) use by anyone. If you would be willing to trace the Void orders, the Alethi characters, or particularly the Hero of Ages symbols, for usage on the wiki, that would be amazing :D

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Heh, glad they are liked. Since it seems to be favored, I've started working on the Voidbinding chart, which will probably take me a week or so, depending on how much free time I have.



Thanks Shadow Guardian, another source of vectors can be found on the Coppermind where we have the Orders, the Surges, the equivalent void Surges, the Aons, and three sets of Metal symbols already vectored for (fair) use by anyone. If you would be willing to trace the Void orders, the Alethi characters, or particularly the Hero of Ages symbols, for usage on the wiki, that would be amazing :D


:o Cool. That's pretty useful to know. I'm redrawing the void surges for the chart (the ones on the Coppermind are at least semi-auto-traced, and I'm rather OCD :P), and that'll include the orders. I assume the alethi characters your'e referencing are these, and the Hero of Ages symbols as shown here? I think I can do both of those pretty easily as well once I finish the voidbinding chart.  :D

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Indeed, those are the symbols we need, (well, I think the Alethi one's are missing some? I've never really looked into Alethi, if someone can help with that that would be brilliant). Thank you for tracing things :D

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I actually worry about the alethi script just yet, I think we are still deciding on how that page is going to look.  Personally, I'd recommend either the HoA symbols or the AoL symbols.


As for the surge/void glyphs, I did those and I'm not particularly good at that sort of thing so definitely go ahead and make better versions.

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Here's the current progress on the Voidbinding chart if anybody is curious. I expect to be done within the next few days, hopefully by the end of the weekend at the latest. Afterwards I'll probably dabble with a few other things and then move on to the HoA and AoL symbols.





Edit 1: Chart is done, files are all available from the first dropbox link. I'll properly update with actual links and stuff within the next 24 hours, once I've gotten some proper sleep.

Edited by Shadow Guardian
Fixing dead links.
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Alright, so, apologies in advance for the double post (I could've sworn there was a way to bump threads without double posting, but perhaps I'm getting my forums mixed), but the Voidbinding chart is done, so I have some new content to offer, including some SVG files that can go on the coppermind, my own trace of the bridge 4 glyph, and some new wallpapers for both charts.


Here is the editable SVG of the whole chart, which, the same as above, you can feel free to take and edit as you wish. The colors on my export of the chart are flat, but the original has a lot more patterns and gradients, which I'm not so good with, so adding that could be pretty cool, if anybody wants to do it. For anybody editing, you'll find the path data to be, quite frankly, a total mess, because I used stroked lines instead of fills since it worked better for the chart, kept me consistent, and was whole lot less work overall. But as a result, don't mind the odd objects that are used for a lot of behind the scenes fixing. I did try to keep things grouped well enough to hopefully make things a little easier to work with though.



Edit (2020):
My original post had a ton of links here, but DropBox killed them all off several years ago. I've re-written the OP, and all of the misc. stuff I had linked here is up there now.

Edited by Shadow Guardian
Removal of dead links
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