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I never made one of these either...


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OK. I just saw @Calderis's post, 'I never made one of these' and I thought, might as well make one as well. So, basic info. I am a cyborg. I live in this universe. I am alive. I like chicken.

Real info. I am REALLY young to be reading Sanderson. (Younger than 15). I discovered him thanks to @Runeweaver three months ago, (BTW, THANK YOU SO MUCH)! I have read 10 of his books so far, SA being my first by Sanderson and my first 1,000 page books, my best friend is @Kaladinwillumarryme?, I a!m a total tomboy, except for the fact that I collect stuffed animals, huge dork, purple belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, I can ski quite well, and if I'm not reading, I'm watching Studio C, or on here. I also don't accept cookies from @StrikerEZ. Oh, and I once went to a Sanderson singing before I discovered how amazing his books are. My family was wondering through a mall so we natually had to stop at Barns and Nobel. I am now really mad about that. But I collect books. At the moment, I have about 100 books in my room. 11 of which are Sanderson, 8 of which I own.

Sorry everyone, but I am prone to ramble.

May you all avoid any cookies that are given to you,

Tesh Kholin

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then i should  formaly welcome you  to silverlight i am manukos i make puns and post scripts , but you can call me manuko_senpai
i am also the head chef of silver light a restorant here in the cognitive realm , so i dont blame you for not taking strikerez's  cookies since the seem a little chunky to me as well he is a good fellow but he doesnt have my  culinary expertise , so please have a cookie : 



that being said if you are not a fan of cookies , i can make other baked goods as well , just tell me what you desire and i'll provide 

P.S. what is your favorite sanderson book? 

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Considering my shameful self promotion inspired your shameful self promotion, I suppose I'm obligated to welcome you in a shameful display of mutual promotion. 

Keep having fun kid. Be weird and crazy as long as you can get away with it. 

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6 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Considering my shameful self promotion inspired your shameful self promotion, I suppose I'm obligated to welcome you in a shameful display of mutual promotion. 

Keep having fun kid. Be weird and crazy as long as you can get away with it. 

Hey Weird and Crazy are good things and you can get away with it as long as you want. don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

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@Tesh KholinWelcome, though you've been here longer than me. I read a few of the Sanderson standalones (Elantris and Warbreaker) a few years ago but did not come here until finishing WoK, WoR and Edgedancer in quick succession. WoR is my favourite all time book so far. Hoping that Oathbringer changes this soon :)

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11 hours ago, Tesh Kholin said:

@Tsidqiyah If you are weird and crazy, at least you aren't boring!

@Manukos Words of Radiance. Easy. Best book in the history of the universe. :D

Bravo @Tesh Kholin Agree 100% with both of those statements!!!

Is 13 too young to be reading Brandon Sanderson novels?

(Because who cares I'm reading them anyways :D)

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@Sami Yay! I'm actually right around your age. I'm just glad I'm not the only insane reader on here. I mean, adult fiction at 8. Mainly Harry Potter, Shannon Hale, the Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flammel, that stuff. My library's teen section is depressingly small. Five book shelves.

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@Tesh Kholin  My mom is always like "wait a minute - don't read that!" and I'm like "whoops! I finished it sorry!!!"

I'm glad I'm not the only one thats young here - everyone else sounds so adult! We kids have to stick together lol :D:D:D 

Not a lot of people I know have read Brandon Sanderson books, and my best friend which I recently got onto them, has only just started reading them so I was thrilled to get on here and talk with all these people who are waaaaaay more BrandonSanderson crazy than me!

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Sarah J. Maas - I loved the first two books but now its going a bit doooown! I guess thats what you get for getting too attached to characters; you get too upset when things go wrong!

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@Sami I'll have to remember that. And I am WAY to emotionally attached to fictional characters. Other than @Kaladinwillumarryme?, and about 10 other human beings, my best friends are fictional. I exist in the realm of imagination. Have you read Cinder? I just finished it yesterday, and it was one of the best Sci-fi books I've ever read. And I don't particularly like sci-fi. But I thought it was awesome. :):D

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@Sami My mom suggested them to me. She knows of a lot of good fiction books that are about young adult level. She is actually reading Elantris. Her first Sanderson book. But I should probably go to bed. It's 12:03. :D

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@Cluny the Scourge I love those books! Redwall is great. I read them all a few years ago, I really need to re-ead them.

I'm also not thirteen yet, but my bday is in like 6 days, so..... :ph34r:

Hi @Sami! I am so glad to meet you. I actually hated the Lunar Chronicles, but thats just my opinion. My favorite Sanderson book is either WoK or WoR. I'm not sure.



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Nice to meet you too! I love your username its awesome!!!! Lol

I liked the LC a lot but I can understand why some people don't like them. Kai annoyed me a lot as well. (Am I the only person that goes YES!!!! whenever a girl hits/tells off a love interest that I don't like?) But he got better in the end. Another awesome series is Legend by Marie Lu! Its dystopian and is like my favorite series next to all Brandon Sanderson's books. 

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