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Would you rather... Cosmere version!


Would you rather... Cosmere version  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Be a windrunner or lightweaver?

    • Windrunner
    • Lightweaver
  2. 2. Be a Allomancer (Mistborn or misting), Terrisman, or Inquisitor

    • Allomancer
    • Terrisman
    • Inquisitor
  3. 3. Be able to travel into Elantris or Mistborn at will

    • Elantris
    • Mistborn

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Windrunner, because honorspren fit my personality and philosophy far better than cryptics.

Terrisman (assuming feruchemy), since its powers are more useful in day-to-day life.

Mistborn, since they've got (at least by age 3) better tech.

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Darn I was hoping that this was a create your own. Because I had just come up with: would you rather be eaten alive by a sleepless, or soulcasted into food? Anyway, windrunner, terrisman (just for the steelrunning. Note my signature. And my name.) And mistborn. Because... well duh. Mistborn. 

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I chose Mistborn, but there is something intriguing about being a Terrisman/Terriswoman, especially if you get the Feruchemical powers. Their culture has an interesting history, and just imagin how much easier family history would be if I had coppermind! Or studying for tests...

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9 hours ago, ryshadium90 said:

I chose Mistborn, but there is something intriguing about being a Terrisman/Terriswoman, especially if you get the Feruchemical powers. Their culture has an interesting history, and just imagin how much easier family history would be if I had coppermind! Or studying for tests...

Ooh I did not think of that. I chose wisely then!

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Mistborn because there is something about mistborns that is so alluring, not only just being able to fly though the sky, to riot peoples emotions, as well as use all the new metals. Plus, with being a mistborn, you don't have the downside of having to store up attributes you can just use the metal. As for Inquisitor, spikes don't really work with my style...

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