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WHAT JUST HAPPENED. IT WAS SO CRAZY. AND WHY DID HE JUST WALK INTO THE SPEED FORCE GOSH DARN IT I WANTED A WEDDING. ALSO EFFECTS WERE IN POINT. I LOVED THAT EPISODE. SEASON 3 WAS THE BOMB. BUT SERIOUSLY WHYYYYYY DID HE HAVE TO DO THAT. And I honestly was kind of hoping Jesse would show up too. Are they going to replace HR next season? Thinker keeps getting name dropped as our official non speedster villain next year. It's not as bad as flash point, but why does he KEEP LEAVING IRIS. is that just going to be the end of each season? Idek. It was a pretty fantastic episode, all in all. They didn't shy away from the hard stuff. Killing HR worked. I saw it coming, but it worked. 

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Mate, we've got an arrowverse thread for this kind of discussion. We'll probably all start talking about it as soon as we've caught up with the Arrow finale. There's not need to make a new topic. 

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8 hours ago, Left said:

Mate, we've got an arrowverse thread for this kind of discussion. We'll probably all start talking about it as soon as we've caught up with the Arrow finale. There's not need to make a new topic. 

Do we???? .... Well the only defense I have is that I was kind of freaking out, but i did glance around for another flash one but didn't see it. Oops. 

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