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***Spoilers for secret history (I would put it in it secret history board but I saw a post saying it was  closing)***



Anyways, since we know that Kel is alive, and we know Kel and Spook worked together, is it possible (or should I say probable) that Spook is still running around with Kel or off doing errands for Harmony? We know spook was interested in hemalurgy and that Marsh is still alive thanks to hemalurgy so does anyone think spook could be off on another planet? 


Edited by Kinnsayyy
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Try to use spoiler tags (it's the eyeball) so your text is actually hidden, especially when the title of your thread doesn't warn of spoilers. That said


It's definitely not impossible that Spook is still alive. The records we see of the Lord Mistborn show he "lived" for a remarkable number of years. They speak in world of him having lived though, and not having disappeared, so I'm inclined to believe that through whatever means, be it hemalurgy, or world hopping induced time dilation, he lived longer than expected, but did pass on. 


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Or faked his death. Or disappeared for long enough it was assumed he died. Or had his family claim he died when he didn't. He could have also gone beyond. We really don't know.

All we know is that he reigned for 100 years, then stepped down. That seems to be the last anyone has heard of him... 

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This doesn't give an answer but does give something to think about



Will Spook ever return?


*long pause* Spook...Spook left a lot of little things around. His influence is in a lot of things. If you read a bit more carefully, you'll be able to pick out things he left behind.



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