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The Desperately Reckoning Conspiracy


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 Now I Know What You're All Thinking

Yet another new face to the 17th Shard, trying to make his way in the world by shoving foolhardy ideas out into it.

And you would be right, for there is no better way to start than to have an idea shut down. How else would the next one come to fruition, after all? So bear with me, please, as I am naive and somewhat already addicted to this site (*pointedly avoids looking at the time*)

So no matter what I'm told, no matter what Sanderson says, I am convinced that there is some connection between The Reckoners world/universe and that of the Cosmere. Don't worry, I am not stating that I believe it is WITHIN the Cosmere, but that there is some sort of connection. I mean, this is Sanderson we're talking about, and he is nothing if not one surprise after another.

So First & Foremost, Some Foundations

Okay, allow me to echo back to the conclusion to Calamity, in which we actually meet the title himself. Not Larcener the High Epic, but Calamity the God of sorts (we'll get to that). Trace back a number of steps to the dialogue between Calamity and David Charleston, our protagonist. Calamity hinted that there were many others like him, but did not elaborate on that whatsoever - did he mean each were sent to a different version of reality, or each were sent to a different world with sentient lifeforms? This does not initially seem something Calamity should be so afraid of revealing, until he nearly lets slip a very important detail. That is, each of these Calamity-figures were all sent by someone. It seems like he was referring to just one person at the time, before he cut himself off, so not much more was given here.

We must also trace back to the very idea of other realities, and how heavily they weighed on the world and story. Other realities do exist. If infinite, it is not unlikely that the Cosmere is nestled in there. But I digress. Let's move on.


Idea #1 - Reckoner-Earth Is In The Cosmere

I should probably mention here and now that I don't believe this one is the truth of it. Maybe a bit of me hopes, but I don't really believe it. That would be too simple, too. . . not Sanderson. Look at the investiture of the confirmed Cosmere worlds - they are inherent to the world itself, to its peoples to its Gods for Gods' sake (don't excuse the pun, I'm proud of that one). The powers bestowed upon Epics are exactly that; bestowed. Given with a singular purpose by a singular figure (with a mysterious, and unfinished background). This figure, Calamity, was not a God of any sort. He simply does not fit in with the image of the Shards. Yes, we could think on the "others like him" as Shards, assuming he himself was one, but he also said they were each given a purpose, so to speak. Think again on Odium in the Cosmere - I doubt his purpose, if given by whoever (Adonalisium?) would be to splinter the other Shards.

There is plenty of foundation to use this as a plausible theory, but I don't full accredit it. Let me know your thoughts!


Ideas #2 - Reckoner-Earth Is In The Cosmere 2.0

Now, I had never even considered this before reading an entry on tor.com on part with the announcement of the Apocalypse Guard (Entry by Chris Lough - http://www.tor.com/2016/03/01/brandon-sanderson-announces-new-apocalypse-guard-book-trilogy/ ). Naturally I don't want to take full credit for this kind of idea, but let's step back a little and try see its potential.

Essentially more or less all of the points from Idea #1 will be applied here, but instead of being within a Cosmere it is within a universe of its own - for sake of argument, we'll put it Cosmere 2.0. Again, who sent Calamity? WHAT IS Calamity? Will the Apocalypse Guild, with it being "parallel to Earth" be within this second Cosmere?

All are questions we can't answer yet. But let's face it - we haven't seen the end of Calamity. His end was far too much of a loose end, and if we know anything, it's that Prof isn't a big fan of those. Megan is convinced Calamity will return. Mysteries upon mysteries left up in the remains of that glass ISS. We haven't seen the end of Calamity or, at least, the world in which the Reckoners take place regardless of whether or not there is a Cosmere 2.0.


Ideas #3 - There Is A Cosmere 1.0, 2.0 & Maybe 3.0?

Now, assume that there is a Cosmere (which there, uhm, is) but also a Cosmere 2.0, in which the Reckoners are, potentially the Apocalypse Guard and whatever else comes along (I am still uncertain as to whether or not is other non-Cosmere works would work here). But there is never a simple quid pro quo with Sanderson. So I will leave the idea of a third universe / Cosmere 3.0. A sort of leeway, almost like the three planes in Cosmere 1.0 (this is getting confusing). I mean, at this point this kind of thing can't be ruled out - after all, all Sanderson told us was that the likes of the Reckoners are not in the Cosmere as we know it (Mistborn, Stormlight and so on). He never speculated on a second Cosmere, let alone a third. 

What would be the purpose to a third, you ask? Well, look at the Cosmere. It has this ultimate storyline going on behind the scenes with Adonalisium, the Shards and Hoid. If there was a Cosmere 2.0, presumably it, too, would have its own storyline. Of course, if there were these two, there would have to be a point to it. A point to these two HUGE stories. So how else to connect them, if not through a third party? A Cosmere 3.0, if you will ;) 


ealise there isn't a tremendous amount of supporting evidence here, but alas, until more books come out I cannot say. After all, one can't read Elantris and assume to know all there is about the Cosmere. That wouldn't make much sense. So let me know below your thoughts, where you think everything lies within Sanderson's head. I adore the idea that, on some level, ALL of his work is connected, even if it never touches. So give me your thoughts, whether to add onto mine or crush them down, whatever helps me keep up with my conspiracies ;)


That's all for now folks, until the next annoyance :D 

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Brandon likes exploring similar themes with different variations across his works (for example, what it means to be a god and what makes a god worthy of worship, or what ordinary people will do when presented with extraordinary power) so it's not surprising that there are some concepts that seem similar in Reckoners and the Cosmere, without there having to be an in-universe connection.

As for the idea of a 'Cosmere 2.0', well, we actually know this is the case. Sort of. Reckoners, Apocalypse Guard and Snapshot are all part of the same multiverse, each one being a 'Core Possibility' (source). So they don't occupy the same universe per se but they are linked within a multiverse. But just because that's the case doesn't mean that their multiverse and the Cosmere are linked.

Oh, and welcome to the board! Have a delicious Shardcookie.

Edited by Weltall
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