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Soulcasting on Sel


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**Minor stormlight and elantris spoilers below**


Say someone with access to the transformation surge travels to Sel. Do you think they'd be able to soulcast? Since the cognitive realm is really dangerous, would it even be possible? Could spren even follow their radiant there? If not there's still Honorblades, could they soulcast? Since soulcasting, at least for Shallan involved going into Shadesmar. 

Im not sure if I remember this correctly, but I think that windrunners have a little protection against the air friction and other natural stuff that could hurt them, so maybe Elsecallers or Lightweavers (more likely Elsecallers) might have extra protection in shadesmar. 


And if Elsecallers DO have extra protection in the cognitive realm, could one of them be able to put Dominion and Devotion back together? 


Any thoughts? Is there not enough information? Or am I just completely wrong?

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18 minutes ago, Kinnsayyy said:

Say someone with access to the transformation surge travels to Sel.

I'm copying out each part here because they deserve separate answers:

  1. Say someone with access to the transformation surge travels to Sel. Do you think they'd be able to soulcast?

    1. With access to either Stormlight or a means to convert energy from the Dor or another source of Investiture, I imagine so.  The CR on Set might pose an issue, but if they're only viewing it and not trying to enter it fully when they Soulcast (which is the normal way, it appears), I suspect that wouldn't be an issue.

  2. Since the cognitive realm is really dangerous, would it even be possible?

    1. As above, I think traveling there would be tricky, but it can be done (see Hoid), and once they're there, I doubt it would pose an issue for Soulcasting specifically.

  3. Could spren even follow their radiant there?

    1. We have a WoB that says it's possible, but would be difficult and might require some extra knowledge (in fact, I would bet it would, considering it would for Cognitive Shadows, though they're obviously fairly different from spren).  Confirmed possible, but we don't know what impact it would have on the spren or if they would manifest differently in the physical realm on a different planet.

  4. If not there's still Honorblades, could they soulcast? Since soulcasting, at least for Shallan involved going into Shadesmar. 

    1. The Honorblades I would actually bet would have a harder time being taken away from Roshar than a spren.  See, they're directly tied to the Oathpact from what we can tell, and since we believe that's likely what's keeping Odium in the Rosharan system, and I think we also have it confirmed that the Heralds would find it very difficult if not impossible to leave Roshar, I would be surprised if you could take the Honorblades to Sel, at least without a huge amount of effort and hack, maybe Shardic-level power.

  5. I'm not sure if I remember this correctly, but I think that windrunners have a little protection against the air friction and other natural stuff that could hurt them, so maybe Elsecallers or Lightweavers (more likely Elsecallers) might have extra protection in shadesmar. And if Elsecallers DO have extra protection in the cognitive realm, could one of them be able to put Dominion and Devotion back together? 

    1. I think there's some built-in protection, but only minimally.  It's more simply that any damage that is done, they can heal with Stormlight.  Like Steelrunners or other Allomancers, though, they should at least get enough benefit to avoid killing themselves with the basic applications of it.  The Elsecallers and Lightweavers only get to Shadesmar by virtue of what they can do, though, rather than it being an inherent part of the power itself, so I don't think they'd have any protection there, and certainly not from the remains of two Shattered Shards (which apparently have mostly merged into one entity, the Dor, minus whatever splinters of each may reside in various locations).  If anyone's going to reassemble D&D, it might have to be another Shard (or even a dual-Shard like Harmony, considering it's two Shards on Sel).

Obviously, most of this is opinion, though there's backup for several of these points in the form of WoBs that I didn't quote (because I'm not the best at finding them and didn't feel like trying right now).

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