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I'm sure you will get lots of suggestions from everyone's personal lists (mine is here) but my recommendation is to look over the questions that got answered in the most recent events in BostonPolandBulgaria, and Germany. Odds are you will find some that spark follow-up questions of your own, and you can be reasonably certain you are working with up-to-date knowledge.

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10 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

You storming traitor. 

Spool vs Yata's avatar. I'm expecting some good WoBs, some frustrating RAFOs and Spool breaking records for the number of questions asked before being evicted.  Looking forward to it guys. 

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1 hour ago, Extesian said:

Spool vs Yata's avatar. I'm expecting some good WoBs, some frustrating RAFOs and Spool breaking records for the number of questions asked before being evicted.  Looking forward to it guys. 

By the end of the weekend Brandon is probably going to start getting the RAFO card ready when I step up.

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16 hours ago, Koldun said:


As a first set of possible questions (as OB's release is relative near I will avoid SA's questions):

- Has a Twinborn (like Wax) problems to Push on his own Metalmind (for Identity's interference) ?

- A Metalmind or Spikes could physically block a Shardblade. Does those hits impact on the Metalmind's charge ? (something like ruin a coppermind's memories)

- We know the mechanics behind some magic systems' mechanics - Hemarurgy cuts/sews pieces of Spiritwebs, Awakening imprints an object with a new cognitive aspect. What are the mechanics that make Steelsight (and Wax's Bands-enhanced version) work? (for @Argent but I can't honestly find a direct and better wording)

- Most of Heightenings' benefit seems to be toward a general concept of Perfection, are mostly of those benefits stricly Breath related or they are general consequence of having a lot of Innate Investiture ?

- The Awakened Object's Breaths will slowly running out of power. Does this happen also when they are into a someone's soul (in his lifetime) ?

- Could a Shard invests so much of his power to make the Vessel de-Ascend ?

- If a Susenbron's Lifeless held an uncovered Nightblood, would Nightblood be able to feed of his breath ? (Because Breath's removal seems to be connect to a color draining, so if the owner can't be color drained maybe Nightblood can't take his Breath

- Does a Soulforgery change the subject's Identity ?

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6 hours ago, Yata said:

- Could you expand what we already know about Steelpushes ? (for @Argent but I can't honestly find a direct and better wording)

Honestly, I'd phrase it directly: "We know the mechanics behind some magic systems' mechanics - Hemarurgy cuts/sews pieces of Spiritwebs, Awakening imprints an object with a new cognitive aspect. What are the mechanics that make Steelsight (and Wax's Bands-enhanced version) work?"

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3 minutes ago, Argent said:

Honestly, I'd phrase it directly: "We know the mechanics behind some magic systems' mechanics - Hemarurgy cuts/sews pieces of Spiritwebs, Awakening imprints an object with a new cognitive aspect. What are the mechanics that make Steelsight (and Wax's Bands-enhanced version) work?"

I changed the previous post with your version.

1 hour ago, Koldun said:

What's there to know? Burn steel or iron, blue lines appear, which point to sources of metal. Or is the question how exactly that works?

As Argent explained in his last reply, Steelpush seems linear and clear in practice and usual usage. But when you start to apply it into extreme and weird cases...the outcome seems counterintuitive

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56 minutes ago, Yata said:

As Argent explained in his last reply, Steelpush seems linear and clear in practice and usual usage. But when you start to apply it into extreme and weird cases...the outcome seems counterintuitive

Well, not even that. Steelsight is just weird to me - why see lines at all instead of feeling where the metal is? Why not see metal glow? Why do the lines connect you with source of metal specifically? Why are they affected by Cognitive Realm (e.g. when Wax, in the Shadows of Self prologue, switches from thinking about the bullet as a single piece of metal, to three distinct pieces)? And why do very strong pushes allow the Allomancer to see more than just metal - and what is that something?

Overall it feels - to me - like a magical effect that looks deceptively simple, but works off of really complex realmatic mechanics.

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Alright Sanderfans, they didn't put up a schedule page yet, but they updated their Events and Prgramming page. Here's a list of the events starring Brandon.


2:00: Panel

4:00-6:00: Signing


10:00-12:00: Guest of Honor Brunch

1:00: Reading


That's all I've gathered so far, I'll update this as more things pop up.



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