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On Splintered Shards

Erai Sedai

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This might already be answered somewhere, but i couldn't find it. Do you think a splintered shard could be fixed? I think we're lead to believe that it's irreversible, but one moment from The Wheel of Time comes to mind. Spoilers ahead for WoT.


When Nynaeve was able to heal Logain, it was previously deemed impossible, and i was shocked. Probably one of the best moments of WoT for me. I don't know why, but i just thought it was a massive event which could change the course of everything i was expecting.

Do you think someone in the Cosmere will ever be able to "heal" a splintered shard?

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10 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

First of all, WoT has nothing to do with Cosmere. Secondly, I believe it has been directly confirmed that merging pieces of a shard back into a shard is possible. We've essentially seen this happen with Ruin and Preservation merging into Harmony.

I didn't think Ruin and Preservation were actually splintered though, were they? I thought Sazed was able to take up both of those shards as they left their host.

And i know WoT has nothing to do with Stormlight. But i mean, Brandon literally finished off that series. I'd be a fool if i assumed he took no inspiration from it what-so-ever haha

10 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

I believe it has been directly confirmed that merging pieces of a shard back into a shard is possible

Source though? that's what i couldn't find :\

Edited by Erai Sedai
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20 minutes ago, Erai Sedai said:

I didn't think Ruin and Preservation were actually splintered though, were they? I thought Sazed was able to take up both of those shards as they left their host.

Ruin and Preservation weren't splintered. All of the Shards are peices of a shattered Adonalsium. Sazed picked up two separate shards and they have intermingled to the point that if he dropped them, they would be picked up together as a single shard. 

If the Shards themselves can be merged, splinters of shards most definitely can. 

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1 minute ago, Calderis said:


Ruin and Preservation weren't splintered. All of the Shards are peices of a shattered Adonalsium. Sazed picked up two separate shards and they have intermingled to the point that if he dropped them, they would be picked up together as a single shard. 

If the Shards themselves can be merged, splinters of shards most definitely can. 

That's what i wanted to hear!! Awesome!


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Ruin and Preservation are still seperate Shards!

The resulting being who held them both (Sazed) called his new intent with said two separate unjoined Shards, Harmony.


From HoA when Sazed absorbed Ruin and Preservation then called himself Harmony. As the two Shards balanced each other intent wise. 

Excerpt from the end of HoA.

'The powers were opposites. As he drew them in, they threatened to annihilate each other. And yet, because he was of one mind on how to use them, he could keep them separate. They could touch without destroying each other, if he willed it. For these two powers had been used to create all things. If they fought, they destroyed. If they were used together, they created.'




'If they were used together, they created.''

Hhmmmmm interesting!


Edit x2..

Could it be that Sazed can now absorb splintered Shards? Due to his increased power and awareness?


Edit x3...

Could it be... that Sazed may end up being Balderdash or Gibberish... as Hoid referred Adonalsium coming back together in his conversation with Dalinar?



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18 minutes ago, Thanatos said:

Edit x3...

Could it be... that Sazed may end up being Balderdash or Gibberish... as Hoid referred Adonalsium coming back together in his conversation with Dalinar?



This is honestly what i believe will happen. But i feel like that may be too obvious and is meant for misdirection.

Interesting responses though!

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The Power of Ruin and Preservation started to become One. This could be a very long processo but for example if Sazed died He Will drop a single Shard "Harmony" not Ruin and Preservation (by WoB).

I think It would really Easy to Splinter again Harmony into R & P but just for the recent time they become One.

You May notice extension of this in Scadrial. There are still Two kind of mists. But Preservation's One are not repelled by Hemalurgy now.

Over the centuties (if some mess doesn't happen) I think Harmony will become fully and unique Shard.

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And yet....

"The powers were opposites. As he drew them in, they threatened to annihilate each other. And yet, because he was of one mind on how to use them, he could keep them separate."


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1 minute ago, Thanatos said:

And yet....

"The powers were opposites. As he drew them in, they threatened to annihilate each other. And yet, because he was of one mind on how to use them, he could keep them separate."


We have specific WoBs about Sazed dropping Harmony as a single Shard now. There's no reason to debate that. At the time Sazed took them up, yes, they were separate and he continued to see them that way. Now, though, they are melding into one Shard.

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21 minutes ago, Thanatos said:


Show me the WoB.


Here is the WoB and for some extra fun. Look at the name of the questioner XD


THANATOS17901 ()

Thanks so much for all your writing, Way of Kings is the best book I've read in the last decade.

If Sazed were to die, would he drop the shards Ruin and Preservation, or would he drop the shard Harmony?


Excellent question. The shards are now intermingled, and would take effort to split apart. He would drop Harmony. (This is what Odium feared would happen, by the way.


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