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Who will be next to speak an Ideal of the Knights Radiant?


Ideals of the Knights Radiant  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be next to speak their Ideal?

    • Kaladin. (Greedily going for #3 before anyone else gets #2!)
    • Shallan. (Well, it is her book, dang it!)
    • Dalinar. (Will giving away his shards propel him to the NEXT LEVEL?)
    • Renarin. (He sees a spren that no one else does. His reveal could come at any moment!)
    • Jasnah. (She's studied her spren more than anyone, you know.)
    • Elhokar. (Will those faces he sees in the mirror finally make sense?)
    • One of the Bridge Four crew. (They're ready and willing!)
    • Adolin. (He's a long shot, but you never know...)
    • Someone Completely Unexpected. (Tell us who you think!)

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When Kaldin spoke the Words, "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves," we rose to our feet and roared with excitement!

When Lift spoke "I will remember those who have been forgotten," we shed tears and begged for more!


Speaking the Ideals of the Knights Radiant have become some of my favorite moments in modern literature. I can't wait to see more Ideals! And so, dear friends, this poll.


Who do you think will get to have their shining moment next?

And please, drop a post to let us know why you chose them, how it might happen, and what the words might be!

Edited by Stoneward
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I chose Shallan, but Dalinar is a close second.


It's seems Shallan runs into some trouble in the first few chapters, perfect time to speak an ideal and get a power-up. Plus she's been given Words of Radiance by Jasnah, which must surely have some info on the Ideals of the Lightweavers. And besides, like you said, it is her book after all.


Dalinar I think is due to come into his powers himself, but again, probably during a moment of crisis, like whatever Navani's journal was referring to. Plus, he's read the Way of Kings multiple times, whose teachings the Radiant's based their Ideals on after all.


I see Kaladin getting Ideal three in this book, put probably more towards the end. I think he'll have to go through his Amaram story arc before he can reconcile and advance to the next ideal. Again I see it being at a moment when Kaladin faces a personal choice, choosing 'correctly' unlocks ideal 3.


Renarin I could see becoming friends with Kaladin, maybe he'll ask Kaladin to train him in his newly acquired shards? Not sure when he'll get an ideal though, if he is a radiant at all.


Adolin? still a ways to go. Unlikely in this book. at the end earliest.


Elhokar, probably not in this book.


Same again for bridge four. thought maybe some will start to attract spren.


Jasnah? She's done a lot of research on this. She may of spoken 2 ideals already. That seems unlikely but you never know. if she hasn't, we'll see an ideal i would think.


Lift, going with no more on this one. An interesting question though, is at what point did Lift speak ideal #1?


Wild cards? In the Interludes maybe.

Edited by Moist_von_Lipwig
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Jasnah has not, to our knowledge, spoken an Ideal, nor do I expect her to. Jasnah's previously spoken of the Radiants with disdain, and seems eager to distance herself from the label. Her morality also leads me to expect she's more of a Destination-before-Journey gal, though I admit this is uncertain.


... So what I'm trying to say here is that I expect it'll be Shallan speaking an Ideal, probably after being kidnapped by whoever attacked the boat.

Edited by Moogle
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I think Jasnah has already spoken her second ideal and will share it with Shallan when they start discussing WoR. We already know Lift's, so I think the next one will be Shallan (so I vote for her despite Lift's interlude being before Shallan saying hers imo). I think she will find the way to Urithiru (however it was spelled) via her creativity and Shallan's second ideal will be something like "I will recreate what was lost".

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I voted Shallan. Partly because it's her book and partly because she seems like she'll actually embody the ideals. Jasnah, as mentioned, is pretty dismissive of the label of Knights Radiant and, I believe, even shrugs off the Orders themselves as societal labels and nothing more.


Shallan however is young, full of fire, and ready to take the next step.

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I went for Dalinar.  He's been studying and is starting to live "Journey before Destination" and his armor has gone glowy on occasion. 


It's too bad we don't get a big surge of stormlight for doing the first ideal.  Can we even be sure that anyone has the first ideal before they get the second?  Is there a way to know when someone "gets" the first ideal?

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It's too bad we don't get a big surge of stormlight for doing the first ideal.  Can we even be sure that anyone has the first ideal before they get the second?  Is there a way to know when someone "gets" the first ideal?


I believe that living the First Ideal is what attracts the spren to you in the first place. Could be wrong on that.

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I believe that living the First Ideal is what attracts the spren to you in the first place. Could be wrong on that.

Could be attracting a spren, but I think attracting a spren has to do with the attributes and maybe something emotional or cognitive, depending on the spren.


For Kaladin:

  • Syl claims it was the gratitude of the young men in Kaladin's platoon. 
  • I was thinking it could be the windrunner attributes: protecting and leading. 


For Shallan:

  • Creativity! The lightweaver primary attribute
  • Pattern seems to like "true lies", so her past might have helped
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I voted for Jasnah mostly because I like her more than Shallan. I think Jasnah has probably spoken at least 1 already so it is not very likely, but I would like to see her do something awesome. They seem to be at a point where they're going to need something awesome to get out of their situation on the boat. I'm not sure the puppyspren can help Shallan much yet and Ivory is more developed.

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I voted for Kaladin, partially because I'm greedy and partially because I think Shallan (and Pattern) need to develop a lot more before Shallan will inherently know the second ideal of the lightweavers. While the prospective KR needs to know the ideal without prompting, I think that probably develops from the symbiotic relationship with their spren. Pattern will need to become a bit more mature before that happens. For similar reasons, I think the only other reasonable option is Jasnah, except that it is Shallan's book so I expect an ideal from Shallan before Jasnah.

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How do we know Dalinar doesn't have a spren? I've read that twice now, but Dalinar hears a voice saying "Once these weapons meant protecting," and "Life before death," in Chapter 26 when he loses the Thrill.

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How do we know Dalinar doesn't have a spren? I've read that twice now, but Dalinar hears a voice saying "Once these weapons meant protecting," and "Life before death," in Chapter 26 when he loses the Thrill.


Good catch there! I think it's even more interesting if you preserve the formatting, emphasis, and reaction text:


Once these weapons meant protecting, a voice inside of him whispered.


Life before Death.

What was that voice?


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How do we know Dalinar doesn't have a spren? I've read that twice now, but Dalinar hears a voice saying "Once these weapons meant protecting," and "Life before death," in Chapter 26 when he loses the Thrill.


Yeah that was my point. He has been saying this for a while - almost a year now - but still doesn't have a relationship with a spren like the others do. I would be surprised if Dalinar started jumping through the Ideals having no idea he was a Surgebinder or had a spren. That's why I think he will need to meet his spren first, but then he is going to rapid fire through them. Saying he doesn't have a spren meant he can't see one, talk to one, surgebind or any of the other characteristics of the characters we've seen who've spoken an Ideal and been affected by it. 

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I voted Shallan, but as mentioned in this thread, we're going to have to start learning at least ~4-5 ideals per book so hopefully Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Jasnah, and Renarin all chime in with one at some point in WoR. Jasnah is a good candidate to have already spoken a few so maybe she can real a few of them off for us in a PoV chapter or something.

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I voted Renarin, He really deserves to be a radiant to be honest. Attempting to help as a giant beast capable of crunching shardplate atacks everybody? That IS brave, honestly I am really interested in seeing a Renarin PoV, who knows what's going on inside his mind?

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I'm the only one who voted Adolin? I'm unique!


I thought that Adolin's POV in WoR sounded very much like someone who was yearning for a purpose or mantle to take up. He's lived a life of luxury and basically been a spoilt playboy, but he's revealing himself as being more and more honourable as time goes by. 


The way to distance his arc from Dalinar's (I find their progressions quite similar - drunken/playboy yahoo finds peace in ancient code of honour) would be for Dalinar to be the catalyst for reforming the Knights Radiant, while Adolin starts becoming a Radiant himself. Or the Orders rise up around him while Adolin is left behind, feeling abandoned, then when he finally accepts that he's there to serve and support his people, he has a massive power up moment (with or without Radiantness happening).

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I voted Renarin, He really deserves to be a radiant to be honest. Attempting to help as a giant beast capable of crunching shardplate atacks everybody? That IS brave, honestly I am really interested in seeing a Renarin PoV, who knows what's going on inside his mind?


You're right, Renarin is brave and also obedient, so I see him as potential Dustbringer. How cool would that be? Just imagine Sadeas's face when the boy he called useless turns his shiny shardplate to dust  :lol:

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I think we will see multiple oaths in this book. Certainly Shallan who will give her oath after confronting her past (possibly ideal 1&2 for her order). Probably Dalinar when Kaladin tells him the most important words a man can say (first ideal). And Kaladin will definitely speak the words of the next ideal after his conflict with Amaram comes to a head. So, in order: Shallan, Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar.

We may even see Szeth taking the path at the end of the book as a precursor to stones unhallowed.

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