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Bondsmiths theory


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I'm a long time lurker but my ideas of Bondsmiths are making me speak up. I'm not great with written words so please bear with me. I don't know how to make spoiler tags and ill be touching down in everything current including  the oathbringer prologue. Consider yourself warned. 

Since I first heard of the order Bondsmiths my first reaction was cool someone can write/alter bonds. I mean windrunners fly, lightweavers cast illusions, else callers teleport etc. Now I'm not saying this would be easy. Most likely a soulforging type of magic. Hard precise and has to be plauseable. 

 We have a lot of precidence for this. We have the chapters where the man and woman measuring flamenspren. When actually measured and written down they locked into that size. To me that's heavy foreshadowing to me.

 This opens a lot of doors. And can explain a lot. The Bondsmiths herald I think its ishar? Sorry this is all from memory. When the spren started to copy what honor did with the heralds he wanted them bound to precepts and laws. He recruits the other heralds and creates the knights radiance. And using the bond smiths powers created the oaths. These oaths were made to put limits on the new surgebinders.  Honor sought men with certain qualities to make the heralds. So the oaths copy the traits of the heralds. For sky breaks they must be like Nale. The law matters not what's right. But for windrunners its about doing whats right no matter what.

There's a lot more this can touch down on. From here are just fun things to think about. I'll have to reread them to put a more coherant idea but what about stroke of genius ishar had and he worked over night and by the next day had the solution. I can't remember if that had to do with the recreance or a desolation. 

What if he was able to rewrite the parishendi voidbringer bonds. We find out in oathbringer that originally they thought the parishmen had no spren and were in dull form. But instead they had a ancient spren but were still in dull form. I'm taking this as an incomplete bond with a spren. Keeping them in a half transformation state similar to what happened in elantris. As long as they have this incomplete bond they can't gain a new spren because they are stuck midway and create a perfect slave. 

I could come up with a lot of great ways this could be used. I just can't wait for oathbringer to come out and destroy everything I just said. 

 What do yall think. Plauseable, stupidly insane? Got to love Brandon. He always has something else hidden to find and keep us talking about it years later.

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My understanding of the scene with the two ardents who measure the flamespren is meant more to foreshadow the nature of spren as Cognitive beings. They measure, and have a strong cognitive understanding of what the spren was to be, and the physical altered to match the cognitive. 

I'm not sure about some of this. The oaths seem to be less of a limiting factor to Knights Radiant, and more how they actually power up. They are allotted more power and ability by making a pledge on, essentially, how to use that power. 

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Thanks ill make sure to do that in the future. I didn't mean for it to be a limiting factor for radiance. Being a surgebinder doesn't make you a radiant. The swearing of the oaths levels them up but puts a limit on who can level up. Say you attract an honor spren. That bond makes you a surgebinder with minor abilities. As you speak the oaths Rather ideals of what the oaths mean. Without the I will protect those who can't protect themselves ideal they won't level up And stay sugebinders. Saying the ideals or in shallans case truths increase your power and in the end you become a radiant when you fully HONOR you orders ideals. 


I'm starting to think reaching full radiant status makes you like a herald. Full cognitive shadow to retake the taliquin halls. I know I butchered that spelling. Which i think could do with braise. Maybe humans lived there before it became odiums prison now its not habitable for them At least not alive. Possibly causing the recreance. The knights find out after I die i have to spend my after life fighting in hell. I didnt sign up for that forget this. I'm out and breaks their bonds. Of course this is a crazy crackpot idea but it could explain why so many would walk away at once. At this point I know I'm going out on a limb but i like to think outside the box


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7 minutes ago, Darkness said:

Ouch spool.

I mean, ya we've seen it before, but garlick is new so he may not have. He also didn't know how to use spoilers and said so in his post, then went back and fixed it even. He's been pleasant, so let's be nice.

Agreed. You're a fountain of knowledge Spool but not everyone has been able to look through everything in the past. I've read pretty much every Cosmere theory for a year now but I still often ask things that were covered by more knowledgeable people long ago. Have some mercy on the newbs looking for knowledge, we're all  here for the love of Brandon and to figure out more.

Thanks for the contributions @garlick :)

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I think that Bondsmiths on their own do not posses the power to change the nature of another being. They are meant to unite. Although you could unite a group under a cause you are favorable with, I do not see someone being able to unite by changing nature.

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8 hours ago, Darkness said:

Ouch spool.

I mean, ya we've seen it before, but garlick is new so he may not have. He also didn't know how to use spoilers and said so in his post, then went back and fixed it even. He's been pleasant, so let's be nice.

Exactly - he's already leveled up twice in this thread.  :) I wish I could level up that fast.

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On 2/16/2017 at 0:36 AM, djammmer said:

Exactly - he's already leveled up twice in this thread.  :) I wish I could level up that fast.

It's easy in the beginning. But the higher the rep, the bigger the space between rep levels (with the exception of a few oddball ones that got thrown in for giggles), so the waits get longer and longer.

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