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Mistborn Chess

Faceless Mist-Wraith

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I didn't know whether to put this in Mistborn or Creator's Corner. Since it was Mistborn themed I put it here.

One day after I played a game of chess, I was taking a walk and I thought about how cool it would be to have cosmere themed chess pieces. Then, while I was mentally assigning mistborn characters to pieces I thought: why not just simply create a new set of chess rules? The following is the product of my madness. Enjoy.

Layout: Normal chessboard

  • Black: The Rebellion
  • White: The Final Empire (still moves first)

Each side has its own moves and abilities. The rules for pawns are uniform. Rules for castling remain the same.

  • Pawns: Skaa/Soldiers
    • Move set: Normal Pawn (can move 1 space sideways if on a space of opposite color or move forward normally. Can not do both in one turn) This horizontal move can only be done after the pawn has moved forward at least once.
    • If a pawn gets to the other side of the board, it "snaps" and becomes a misting. Switch out pawn for any non-pawn piece. A misting only has that piece's move set, and has no special abilities.


  • King: Kelsier 
    • Move set: King (moves 2 spaces, but is able to jump over pieces. )
    • Special Ability: One time"Inspirational Sacrifice" (switch-out with Oreseur)
      • "Inspires" characters: you can movie 2 pieces once for one turn
  • Alt. King: Oreseur
    • Moveset: King
    • Special Ability: Kandra
      • "Consumes Pieces"-May move one extra space for each piece he beats.
  • Queen: Vin
    • Move set: Bishop + Knight
    • Special Ability 1: Coppercloud
      • Ally pieces within a Knight's move of Vin are immune to Emotional Allomancy.
    • Special Ability 2: Atium
      • Vin may move into a position that would otherwise result in her being captured, without being captured. Player must state that Vin is using atium before moving the piece. This lasts until Vin moves again. If a player attempts to take Vin before Atium wears off, the piece is automatically lost, and Vin remains unaffected. Atium cannot be used to put the king in check. Due to the fact Shan is a mistborn, Atium can not be used to take a Queen. This ability takes 8 turns to recharge.
  • Bishop: Sazed
    • Move set: Bishop/Knight (Sazed starts out with the Bishop Moveset)
    • Special Ability: Ferchemist
      • Sazed can switch between a Bishop and a Knight by tapping the appropriate metal-mind (player must state that Sazed is tapping at the end of his move in order for this to be used. A player can have Sazed start tapping at the beginning of the turn, but this is considered a move. Sazed cannot switch in the middle of a turn)
        • At the end of the turn, while tapping, Sazed's path of check is the moveset he is switching to. Ex: if a king is in check because of the Bishop moveset and Sazed begins tapping, the King is no longer in check if Sazed cannot reach him as a Knight.
  • Knight: Breeze
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Soothing
      • After Breeze moves, he has the option to "soothe" pieces around him. If pieces are being soothed, the opposing player can not move them for one turn. The piece must be within a Knight's move of Breeze. A player may choose to Soothe without moving, but this is still considered a turn. Breeze's Soothing has a 2 turn recharge time. Kings and queens are immune to soothing. Ally pieces within a Knight's move of Breeze are immune to Rioting.
  • Rook: Ham
    • Move set: Rook
    • Special Ability: Thug
      • Ham is tougher and stronger than normal person. Ham can not be taken by a pawn.


Final Empire:

  • King: Straff Venture
    • Move set: King, moves 2 spaces (can be used as an offensive piece, but if the opposing king can move 2 spaces or more, Straff cannot be used to check the king.)
    • Special Ability: One time "reproduce" 
      • Straff may replace a pawn with a knight/mistborn, one of his illegitimate children.
      • This piece can not move during this turn unless Straff has been checkmated immediately after "Kelsier's Inspiration". If Straff has not already used his ability, and there is a pawn that can be used to get out of check, the piece may be moved immediately after the switch. Otherwise the piece is free to move during the player's next turn and onwards.
  • Queen: Shan Elariel
    • Move set: Bishop + Knight
    • Special Ability 1: Emotional Allomancy
      • Rules are identical to Breeze for Soothing. Rioting allows Shan to move another piece instead of herself. A Rioted piece can't be used to take pieces of it's own color. Rioting has the same limitations as Soothing. Shan cannot both Soothe and Riot in one turn. These are considered separate powers however, so a player could use Rioting while Soothing is recharging.
    • Special Ability 2: Copper-cloud
      • Rules are identical to Vin
  • Bishop: Inquisitors
    • Move set: Bisop
    • Special Ability: Hemalurgy
      • Anytime an Inquisitor takes a piece, the player may choose to use that piece's moveset or ability the next time they move the bishop. If an Inquisitor takes Sazed, it can keep his feruchemy but the Inquisitor will be restricted to Sazed's move set (you can't "tap" and have both bishop and knight move sets at the same time; it's one or the other). It can still use the moves and abilities of pieces it captures, but these are restricted by the "next time they move the bishop" rule.
  • Knights: Mistborn
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Copper
      • Immune to Emotional Allomancy. Does not extend to other pieces.
  • Rook: Koloss
    • Move set: Rook
    • Special Ability: Multiply via Hemalurgy
      • If a Koloss takes 3 pieces, another Koloss/rook can be placed on the board, starting at the rook starting position.
    • Special Ability 2: Supernatural Durability
      • Koloss are difficult to kill. Koloss cannot be taken by a pawn.
  • The Lord Ruler (optional): 
    • Move set: Queen + Knight
    • Special Ability 1: Emotional Allomancy
      • Due to his increased allomantic strength, he can soothe/riot any piece within the circle created by his Knight's move set, and has a 1 turn recharge time.
    • Special Ability 2: Compounded Feruchemy
      • Must be taken before he can be checkmated. TLR will immediately heal and kill the piece that takes him. (essentially a sacrifice)
      • This ability will not work if Vin is involved; see below for details.
    • Due to his power, if a player uses TLR, they forfeit their queen. TLR may start on either the king or queen space. TLR may not move until after the opponent's 3rd turn, unless he is checked. If TLR takes Kelsier, and "Kelsier's Inspiration" has not been used, it is used automatically and Oreseur is placed on the king's starting spot. If this spot is in a path of check, the player is given a one turn grace period. If TLR is taken by or checkmated with Vin he does not compound, and the player wins the game.

Alternate Character Rules (Spoilered for size):



  • King: Elend (pre-mistborn)
    • Move set: King (moves 2 spaces)
    • Special Ability: "Vin's Rage"- one-time use
      • Elend is injured, enraging Vin. Vin can move 2 times in one turn. This can not be used the check the king. Vin can take either 2 pawns or 1 pawn and 1 non-queen piece. Vin cannot use Atium during these moves. After being used, Elend/the King cannot be moved for 3 turns.
        • If the King is put in check during this time in such a way that the King would be required to move, it is considered checkmate.
  • Bishop: Spook
    • Move set: Bishop
    • Special Ability: Tineye
      • Spook's enhanced senses make him hard to surprise. He can not be taken by pieces in his diagonal.
        • Exceptions: Queens and TLR.
  • Bishop: Twindyl
    • Move set: Bishop/Rook
    • Special Ability: Feruchemy
      • Can switch between move sets, similar to Sazed.
        • Only one bishop can have a rook move set at a time. If a Bishop taps the rook move set while another is already tapping, the other immediately stops tapping.
  • Bishop: Marsh (pre-inquisitor)
    • Move set: Bishop
    • Special Ability: Seeker
      • Pieces within a bishop's move of Marsh cannot use their special ability.
  • Knight: Allrianne
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Rioting
      • Rules are the same as Shan
  • Knight: Clubs
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Smoker
      • If Club uses his ability, ally pieces within a knight's move can no be taken by mistborn characters (includes Shan and Zane).
        • Exceptions: TLR and Inquisitor characters (includes Inquisitor Marsh)
  • Rook: Dockson
    • Move set: Rook
    • Special Ability: Reposition
      • Dockson may switch places with an adjacent ally piece at the end of his turn.


Final Empire

  • King: Jastes Lekal
    • Move set: King (moves 2 spaces)
    • Special Ability: Koloss army- one-time use
      • Jates loses control; one koloss may be placed at either rook starting position after sacrificing 3 pawns. Both rooks must be moved before this can be used.
  • Queen: Zane
    • Move set: Bishop + Knight
    • Special Ability 1: Atium
      • Rules same as Vin. However, Vin can take Zane while he is using atium.
  • Bishop: Kandra
    • Move set: Bishop
    • Special Ability: Kandra/Uncanny Mimicry
      • Immediately after taking a piece a Kandra can choose to switch to the moves of the taken piece. The player must state "imitation". Kandra will then use this move set until it takes another piece, at which point the player will have the choice of returning to the Bishop move set or imitating the taken piece. Repeat as necessary.
  • Knight: Hazekiller
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Special Training
      • Hazekillers are trained to deal with mistings. As a result, the Hazekiller piece can not be taken by Ham.
  • Knight: Soothing Station Operator
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Soothing
      • Rules are the same as Breeze


That is everything that I came up with. Parts that are italicized and bolded are things I am iffy on or otherwise unsure of. I am looking for what Breeze's move set should be, because since he is just a misting I felt a knight's move set would be wrong. However, if he doesn't have a knight's move, it may seem unbalanced. I tried to balance each side the best I could, I realize TLR is overpowered, but it seemed like an accurate estimation. Just think of it as chess on hard mode. Please give me you thoughts and input! If people could test these rules out and provide feedback, I would really appreciate it! Enjoy!

Edited by Faceless Mist-Wraith
Updating rules
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If the lord ruler takes Kelsier inspirational sacrifice activates automatically and OreSeur appears on the black king's space. If Vin takes TLR he does not return. This should mitigate some of the OP ness of the piece.

Elend should be the other Bishop and Alriane the other knight. Demoux can be the final rook.

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The rules for TLR sound pretty good, thank you!

As for Elend, as well as characters such as Spook and the others, I was planning on creating move sets and abilities for these characters at a later date, so that you could choose what character you want as your knights, rooks, etc., which king you would start with, so that you could create your own specialized strategy based on what pieces you first choose. First however, I would like to get the base set of rules and characters, and see whether or not they are feasible in a real game.

Currently, I have an idea for Elend (mistborn version)-King and Zane-Knight/mistborn. I'm trying to match characters to pieces based on thematic equivalents, the best I can. Ex: Sazed and Inquisitors are Bishops, Leaders are Kings, etc. Allrianne would likely have similar powers and moves to Breeze, but I haven't decided on what Breeze's move set would be, due to the possible knight imbalance.

Edited by Faceless Mist-Wraith
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I thought about that, but since it was said that they can be used to get the same effect I thought it would work. I will probably end up revisiting that when I try to differentiate Breeze and Allrianne. For now I will wait for someone to play using these rules and give me feedback on how well it works.

Do you have an idea for how Breeze should move? I don't know if he should have a knight's move or something different since he's only a misting.

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5 hours ago, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

This piece can not move immediately unless Straff is checked immediately after "Kelsier's Inspiration"

How do you mean this? Do you mean it can't move at all until the moment it is first checked after Kelsier's Inspiration has happened, or that it can't move the first turn after Kelsier's Inspiration, unless it is also checked during that turn?

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I meant that you could not move the knight immediately after putting it on the board. It can move during the person's next turn, but Straff's special ability is considered a turn/move, so you can't switch them out and then move the knight. This would be considered two turns. The caveat is if the opponent uses Kelsier's inspiration and uses their to bonus moves to immediately checkmate Straff. It seemed unfair that one opponent could immediately get a checkmate, so I made it so that in this case if Straff hasn't used his ability, he can then use it to get out of a checkmate.

I should probably edit it to make it easier to understand.


(Is that better?)

Edited by Faceless Mist-Wraith
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I actually picked Elend as the other bishop for the book1 setup because he is mostly a scholar in book one, which makes him a good match with Saze. Another possibility is Marsh.

Breeze should probably keep the knight moveset as it would likely ruin the balance  of the game if he didn't. Also confuses things. For a book one set up Clubs makes the most sense as the second knight if the player wants to stay close to the story.

Spook and characters not being actively used for major pieces can be pawns. They can then promote and gain access to their abilities. If there are no major pieces lost they promote to the piece they can substitute or would have at a later point. (Example: if Marsh is being used as the bishop starter then Elend can be a pawn. If Elend is promoted he takes the position of a lost piece. If no pieces are lost Elend becomes a third bishop.)

If OreSeur is a pawn he cannot be promoted.  (So OreSeur would be a pawn until Kelsier's Inspiration.)

In a book 3 game, 

Black and White switch. Ruin is the black king and Preservation is a white pawn. Both are ascended and cannot be removed from the board except by another ascended piece. For more difficulty, Ruin can only be removed by an ascended Vin. (If removed ascended pieces reappear at their starting point.) Each side only gets one ascended piece.

Preservation has a king's move set but can move 3 squares at a time and cannot remove other pieces (except Ruin in the easier variant.) If Preservation promotes it disappears from the board. This allows Vin 


And Kelsier 

To promote. Pieces that Promote to Preservation cannot remove other pieces. They each have unique effects. If Vin ascends pawns gain the burn Atium ability. 


If Kelsier ascends he can block Ruins influence on Spook and can influence Marsh. He can also mislead Ruin once every three turns.

 Vin ascends by attacking Marsh once Preservation is removed from the board. Since Vin ascends Marsh is not permanently removed, but returns after 5 turns.

Vin is the white King and Elend the Queen. Vin's moveset in the same as Preservation. Once ascended she gains the Queen's moveset.

Ruin can take down othe pieces. He can also influence Spook making him perform an action of Ruin's choice.


Kelsier's piece can be placed as a pawn. His move set is the same as a king. This piece can not be taken off or take off others prior to promotion. It can also share a space with other pieces and other pieces can move onto its square. It cannot promote if there is another piece on the last square and Preservation is on the board. Once Preservation is gone and the piece is alone on its square Kelsier can promote to a second queen. Like all Ascended pieces he cannot be removed except by another ascended piece. Once Ascended he can give his power to Vin. He then reverts back to a pawn.

I was trying to figure out how an ascending mechanic would work before I went to sleep last night and woke up with the above. Hope you don't mind.

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On December 12, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I actually picked Elend as the other bishop for the book1 setup because he is mostly a scholar in book one, which makes him a good match with Saze. Another possibility is Marsh.

Breeze should probably keep the knight moveset as it would likely ruin the balance  of the game if he didn't. Also confuses things. For a book one set up Clubs makes the most sense as the second knight if the player wants to stay close to the story.

I had not considered the scholar angle. Good idea! I may try to incorporate that as I try to come up with the alternate character pieces. Thank you also for the input on Breeze, I haven't gotten anything on that yet. As for having different characters for each individual bishop/rook/knight, I decided against it because I felt that having so many different move sets and abilities in one game would eventually get confusing or tedious. However, once I come up for the abilities for the other characters, such as: Spook, Marsh (pre-inquisitor), Allrianne, Zane, Inquisitor Marsh, etc., a person will be able to choose from these bishop/knight/rook possibilities in order to get the starting lineup they want.

On December 12, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Spook and characters not being actively used for major pieces can be pawns. They can then promote and gain access to their abilities. If there are no major pieces lost they promote to the piece they can substitute or would have at a later point. (Example: if Marsh is being used as the bishop starter then Elend can be a pawn. If Elend is promoted he takes the position of a lost piece. If no pieces are lost Elend becomes a third bishop.)

While this is an interesting idea, I feel like you would run into the issue I mentioned before with too many abilities and move-sets. As for what would happen when you get a pawn across the board and promote it I have not come up with something solid, but I was considering something along the lines of "Snapping" (pawns become mistings). I'm still working out how that should fit.

(Spoiler for size)

On December 12, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Black and White switch. Ruin is the black king and Preservation is a white pawn. Both are ascended and cannot be removed from the board except by another ascended piece. For more difficulty, Ruin can only be removed by an ascended Vin. (If removed ascended pieces reappear at their starting point.) Each side only gets one ascended piece.

Preservation has a king's move set but can move 3 squares at a time and cannot remove other pieces (except Ruin in the easier variant.) If Preservation promotes it disappears from the board. This allows Vin 

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And Kelsier 

To promote. Pieces that Promote to Preservation cannot remove other pieces. They each have unique effects. If Vin ascends pawns gain the burn Atium ability. 

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If Kelsier ascends he can block Ruins influence on Spook and can influence Marsh. He can also mislead Ruin once every three turns.

 Vin ascends by attacking Marsh once Preservation is removed from the board. Since Vin ascends Marsh is not permanently removed, but returns after 5 turns.

Vin is the white King and Elend the Queen. Vin's moveset in the same as Preservation. Once ascended she gains the Queen's moveset.

Ruin can take down othe pieces. He can also influence Spook making him perform an action of Ruin's choice.

  Reveal hidden contents

Kelsier's piece can be placed as a pawn. His move set is the same as a king. This piece can not be taken off or take off others prior to promotion. It can also share a space with other pieces and other pieces can move onto its square. It cannot promote if there is another piece on the last square and Preservation is on the board. Once Preservation is gone and the piece is alone on its square Kelsier can promote to a second queen. Like all Ascended pieces he cannot be removed except by another ascended piece. Once Ascended he can give his power to Vin. He then reverts back to a pawn.

I was trying to figure out how an ascending mechanic would work before I went to sleep last night and woke up with the above. Hope you don't mind.


This is an interesting idea! I just have a couple questions/clarifications:

  1. For the first bolded, how does either side win if ascended pieces return after being removed?
  2. By Promote, do you mean reach the other side of the board, or a special ability?
  3. What is the Kelsier's piece's purpose after it gives its power to Vin? Can it then take pieces and be taken or has it reverted to its original "ghost"  status?
  4. How does Ruin move? Does he only have a king's move set, or is he the same as Preservation?
  5. What are the rules on Ruin and Kelsier's influence? Are they similar to the rules for Soothing/Rioting?

Overall, I think the ascending mechanic is pretty good, thought some of the specific rules may be a bit complicated for the casual player. I will likely try to use the mechanic when I work on the specific book 3 rules. Until then, thank you for all of your help! Here's an up vote.

Edited by Faceless Mist-Wraith
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Come on!  We all know that the Lord Ruler's move would be to flip the board over and kill everybody, then go recruit new pieces afterwards.

Seriously, I personally feel that the game is better set after Mistborn: The Final Empire is over.  Much better matched power sets, at least in normal circumstances.

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I've changed Soothing to better reflect its abilities and to differentiate it from Rioting. I've balanced the other characters accordingly. I am debating whether or not to give Vin emotional allomancy, (I personally feel this would create an overpowered piece), but for now I think the rules are close to done. If anyone has any thoughts before the Mistborn Chess (Version 1) rules are finalized, please let me know.

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:To answer the questions you asked:

1) I have two variants. A: You check the Ascended piece with your Ascended piece + one other. B: you check the opponent's piece. Your ascended is in position to remove the opponent's piece when it regenerates on your turn. (Ascended pieces regenerate on the opponent's turn.)

2) Promote is reaching the opposite side of the board.

3) I would have him revert to a Cognitive Shadow, but it's up to the player.

4) Same as Vin and Preservation.

5)Essentially, but they can use their influence and move and the ability has no cool down.

I sort of considered all of these move sets optional. Someone could just use the set for a regular game. All the rules are optional for those who choose to use them. 

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On December 24, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I have two variants. A: You check the Ascended piece with your Ascended piece + one other. B: you check the opponent's piece. Your ascended is in position to remove the opponent's piece when it regenerates on your turn. (Ascended pieces regenerate on the opponent's turn.)

By this do you mean an Ascended piece automatically moves to checkmate if it is taken and the opponent is in check? (Sorry about all the questions, just need clarification)

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It's a bit complicated. I'll give an example: Vin is check mated by a knight and rook. Ruin is ALSO checking the white king's space. Vin regenerates on Black's turn INTO check, allowing Ruin to remove her.

Basically the respawn spot is in check when the opponent is check mated, and it has to remain in check through the opponent's turn until so the piece will respawn into check on your turn. Then you just take the ascended piece.

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Well both. Each piece having different moves is fine but all the special rules are a bit much. Rather than developing the idea it seems more like giving in to the childlike part of your brain, just brainstorming without purpose. I think it's that anyway because I know very well what it is like to get lost in the weeds when brainstormigng xD

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I can understand what you mean; it's hard to limit the number of rules when you want to include as much from the books as you can.

I've tried to make sure each piece was similar to a normal piece in the way it moved, in order to make it easier to keep it all straight. As for the special rules/abilities I'm limiting it to one attribute/effect per piece, with queens being the only real exception. Since pawn rules are uniform, that leaves 5 pieces that are unique, and I try to condense where I can. Mostly I'm trying to get feedback from people in the Testing Mistborn section so that I can make it more intuitive/easier to understand.

Is there anything specific that you think I should address?

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The special powers. In certain situations, any of them can be so OP as to be unwinnable for the other side. It would not be a contest of skill then, but a contest of "who can get to their special abilities quicker". So I think the pieces don't need special abilities OR they need to be less powerful, and there need to be fewer of them. Think about representing large themes in Mistborn (Allomancy for example) in single powers. They don't need literal representations, Allomancy for example could be represented as increased movement versatility for a single piece or something.

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2 hours ago, Rob Lucci said:

The special powers. In certain situations, any of them can be so OP as to be unwinnable for the other side. It would not be a contest of skill then, but a contest of "who can get to their special abilities quicker". So I think the pieces don't need special abilities OR they need to be less powerful, and there need to be fewer of them.

I'm trying to balance the powers based on feedback, as well as make sure the mechanics are similar across the board (unintentional chess pun). Example: Rioting, Soothing, and Smoking all revolve around a knight's move. I thought about having only special moves for each character instead of abilities, but this tended to either result in a similar problem or pieces that were different in name only.

Are there any specific abilities that you think are OP or should be changed? If so, do you have any suggestions for changes?

1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

We are giving options and players can pick and choose.

Speaking of options, here is my working list of ideas for alt. pieces that a person could use. My idea is that a person could create their own starting line-up to favor whatever strategy they like. A person would by no means be obligated to use these pieces, these would just be for those who wished to change up the game or use certain characters. Admittedly, I would suggest that a player familiarize themselves with the original rules before trying out the alternate pieces.

(Spoiler for Size)



  • King: Elend (pre-mistborn)
    • Move set: King (moves 2 spaces)
    • Special Ability: "Vin's Rage"- one-time use
      • Elend is injured, enraging Vin. Vin can move 2 times in one turn. This can not be used the check the king. Vin can take either 2 pawns or 1 pawn and 1 non-queen piece. Vin cannot use Atium during these moves. After being used, Elend/the King cannot be moved for 3 turns.
        • If the King is put in check during this time in such a way that the King would be required to move, it is considered checkmate.
  • Bishop: Spook
    • Move set: Bishop
    • Special Ability: Tineye
      • Spook's enhanced senses make him hard to surprise. He can not be taken by pieces in his diagonal.
        • Exceptions: Queens and TLR.
  • Bishop: Twindyl
    • Move set: Bishop/Rook
    • Special Ability: Feruchemy
      • Can switch between move sets, similar to Sazed.
        • Only one bishop can have a rook move set at a time. If a Bishop taps the rook move set while another is already tapping, the other immediately stops tapping.
  • Bishop: Marsh (pre-inquisitor)
    • Move set: Bishop
    • Special Ability: ?
  • Knight: Allrianne
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Rioting
      • Rules are the same as Shan
  • Knight: Clubs
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Smoker
      • If Club uses his ability, ally pieces within a knight's move can no be taken by mistborn characters (includes Shan and Zane).
        • Exceptions: TLR and Inquisitor characters (includes Inquisitor Marsh)
  • Rook: Dockson
    • Move set: Rook
    • Special Ability?


Final Empire

  • King: Jastes Lekal
    • Move set: King (moves 2 spaces)
    • Special Ability: Koloss army- one-time use
      • Jates loses control; one koloss may be placed at either rook starting position after sacrificing 3 pawns. Both rooks must be moved before this can be used.
  • Queen: Zane
    • Move set: Bishop + Knight
    • Special Ability 1: Atium
      • Rules same as Vin. However, Vin can take Zane while he is using atium.
  • Bishop: Kandra
    • Move set: Bishop
    • Special Ability: Kandra/Uncanny Mimicry
      • Immediately after taking a piece a Kandra can choose to switch to the moves of the taken piece. The player must state "imitation". Kandra will then use this move set until it takes another piece, at which point the player will have the choice of returning to the Bishop move set or imitating the taken piece. Repeat as necessary.
  • Knight: Hazekiller
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability?
  • Knight: Soothing Station Operator
    • Move set: Knight
    • Special Ability: Soothing
      • Rules are the same as Breeze

I am currently looking for suggestions regarding Marsh, Dockson, and the Hazekiller. I may also rework "Vin's Rage" if it turns out to be OP. Let me know what you think!

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