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Theory: Nature of Dawnshards


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I haven't found a thread on this topic. If there is one however, please provide a link for me. :) 

We know about Dawnshard from a poem of Ista. 

Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above.

—From the Poem of Ista. I have found no modern explanation of what these "Dawnshards" are. They seem ignored by scholars, though talk of them was obviously prevalent among those recording the early mythologies (from coppermind.net).
There was some speculation that Dalinar's sphere was a Dawnshard but Brandon shattered that theory. Do we have any new information about them and what their future relevance might be?
Thank you for your answers.
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From the passage you quoted, it seems clear it's a physical thing, though we know also that "steps crafter for Heralds" wouldn't be ten strides tall, unless the Heralds have shapeshifting abilities (never shown or even really hinted at if so), since they're normal human sized.  Thus, that information could also be exaggerated or outright false, but since the Dawnshards are apparently a big deal in early mythologies (certainly pre-Hierocracy, I'd say), there's a good chance they really existed.  Honor also talks about them in one of Dalinar's visions:


“I wish I could do more,” repeated the figure in gold. “You might be able to get him to choose a champion. He is bound by some rules. All of us are. A champion could work well for you, but it is not certain. And … without the Dawnshards … Well, I have done what I can. It is a terrible, terrible thing to leave you alone.”

I would love to find out more, but I think our information is just too limited to even get a good theory going (there are some, but they're widely varied).

EDIT: Some other threads


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So here is a theory about Dawnshards: They are spren which were sent to care for humans. If someone or something threatens them they bind with them. So the binded person/thing becomes unable to get access to Investiture or somehow is made unable to do magic. Thus rendering it/the person harmless. 

Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above. 

Now, why whould someone go to the temple of/for the Heralds which such a dangerous thing. Maybe that person thought that the Heralds where a threat to humanity and he wanted to bind them with the Dawnshard.

Is there anything that might contradict this theory?

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