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Semiweekly WoB #3: Shardic Contact with Other Planets

Ecthelion III

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This WoB is pretty short but contains some interesting information:


Is Harmony aware of events on Roshar?

[hesitantly] Yeeeeeeees, some of them.

Can all the Shards see other planets? Is something going on at Roshar that's super important?


Past Entries (spoilered for size):

Edited by Ookthelion III
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I suspect from that WoB he's actually saying that Harmony has an agent on Roshar, who can report back on what they see, so he's aware of "some of it". We know that Autonomy can interfere with other systems while Invested in Taldain, though, so clearly it's possible, and while Harmony has opposition, he's also extra powerful.

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2 hours ago, Djarskublar said:

Yeah makes me wonder if his agents all over have Connection Feruchemy. Or maybe they are Kandra and there is a blessing of Connection. That would be handy, like basically pretty close to a gift of tongues, but not quite.

For Kandra, he might not need anything like that. Hemalurgy may allow him to contact them and get messages from them anywhere in the Cosmere. That'd be a good question to ask, in fact.

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1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

For Kandra, he might not need anything like that. Hemalurgy may allow him to contact them and get messages from them anywhere in the Cosmere. That'd be a good question to ask, in fact.

Well, I was speaking specifically of their ability to communicate with the native people.

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Odium knew of Harmony and the fact he has two shards despite being trapped in the Rosharan System, And from the fact that he has only been able to send his servants during Desolations i don't think he has an agent in Scardrial. (Unless of course you believe the Trell=Odium theory.)

Edited by iceblade44
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We know very little about the Spiritual Realm, however I remember a WoB somewhere that said our concept of distance, time, and space don't apply there.  I wonder if by looking into the Spiritual Realm, the place of ideal everything, that a shard can simply "see what is" in the cosmere, regardless of where it is and regardless of whether or not they can influence/communicate with it.

I would imagine some things are more visible/pronounced in the Spiritual Realm than others, namely sources of Investiture (i.e. other shards, splinters, maybe beings with innate investiture?).

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3 hours ago, VirtuousTraveller said:

We know very little about the Spiritual Realm, however I remember a WoB somewhere that said our concept of distance, time, and space don't apply there.

The Sel essay from Arcanum Unbounded says:


"Because the Cognitive realm has distinct locations (unlike the Spiritual Realm, where most forms of Investiture reside)..."


I remember a separate WoB that states there are several kandra worldhoppers. Perhaps they're the ones reporting back to Harmony.

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