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1 minute ago, Ookla the Voidish said:

Text/voice chat program. Server-hosted, not user-hosted, very easy to use. And free! It's like better Skype without video chats. 

...Er... what?

So... no video chat meaning... it's like google hangouts?

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Archer said:

...Er... what?

So... no video chat meaning... it's like google hangouts?

Oh, I meant like how on Skype one user is a dedicated "host" and if they leave or have bad internet, the whole chat is affected, whereas on Discord you can make servers that are hosted by Discord directly, and anyone in the group can drop in or out whenever they want, and it's always pretty fast! 

And I thought Google Hangouts had video chat. Did that change?

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