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Duralumin and Compounding

18th Shard

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I don't think it'd matter much in the end. You'd probably get more of the Feruchemical power at the same time than usual (though that's what surging it from metalminds is for...), but the duralumin wouldn't add any power to the process.



Shardlet: When burning duralumin to enhance another metal’s burn, does a mistborn get only the sum total of the power of the other metal in a single burst or does he get more than just the sum?


Brandon: I would have to make sure and look, but my original intention was the sum.


Q: Ok, because the thing I was wondering about is Elend with the duralumin atium burn because it seemed more than just the sum of a bead of atium.


A: Right, but the thing you have to keep in mind is the thing I’m kind of looking at having it all happen in a moment.  So let’s say you have enough steel to burn for an hour.  If you reduce a plane to a point it’s infinite, does that make sense.   And so it’s very hard to say is it the sum when you are going from a defined amount into a point, I mean a point is infinitely small.  Does that make sense?

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