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Semiweekly WoB #2: Hemalurgy and Talking to the Dead [HERO OF AGES SPOILERS]

Ecthelion III

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Here's an interesting one which can probably be interpreted in quite a few ways. Major Hero of Ages spoilers follow.


I'm sad Ten Soon never got to talk to Vin again, since it was apparent they both missed each other.

Remember that TenSoon, with spikes, can communicate more easily with those on the other side....

Does this process require going through a god/Shard? Could other creatures which aren't kandra but are still spiked use this potential ability? Could/did the Inquisitors use it?


Past Entries (spoilered for size):

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Yea, He was almost definitely talking about the Cognitive realm. That is the only reasonable inference in this context.


I think this ability comes from how Hemallurgy may affect the method of communication Kelsier used to talk to insane people. We don't really have much on how this works, unfortunately.

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Secret History spoilers:

The thing is, even while managing Preservation, Kel was Connected enough with Marsh and Spook to tell them things. There must be something specific to Hemalurgy that allows those in the CR to communicate with those they are connected strongly to. Ruin can communicate with anyone who is spiked cuz that's some serious Connection right there. It's hard for Preservation to, though, because the people with Hemalurgy/crazy aren't likely to be very preservation connected. Except Vin was both spiked and Connected to Preservation, so who knows... It is honestly the strangest aspect of Hemalurgy, all things considered.

Besides that, Vin would talk to TenSoon through the spikes, and he would say stuff to the air so she can hear, same as everyone else does it.

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Before this conversation goes to crazytown, I should point out that the WoB is not entirely correct. See this Reddit thread for full context.

Mistborn: Secret History spoilers



Q: This WoB. It implies TenSoon is eventually going to be able to reconnect with Vin, or at least, someone with Hemalurgic spikes is going to be able to communicate with someone that's departed to "The Beyond" (or the Spiritual Realm)...

A: Yeah, this looks like one where I was tired from answering a lot of questions, and was thinking about Kelsier--I was really excited to write Secret History back then. I realize that it wouldn't make sense for Kelsier to want to talk to TenSoon, but you'd be surprised the things that you say sometimes when you're trying to write in someone's book, keep yourself from giving too many spoilers, but also answer questions. You can go on auto-pilot sometimes for a minute or two, answering questions that my brain THINKS someone asks, when it's not one they actually asked. Or mashing together two questions, and having a kind of crossed-wires brain moment. You can see me do this on Reddit sometimes too, if you look back through my history. I often catch it and edit to explain myself, but not always
This was during the era when I was heavily laying foreshadowing to fans for Kelsier's return, so it wouldn't feel like a cheat when I eventually got to Secret History. So I was looking for opportunities to talk about people with spikes communicating with the Cognitive Realm. I can't remember. There's also a possibility that I was still contemplating Vin staying, which she could have done, as someone who'd carried one of the powers. Either way, I made the call that even bringing Kelsier back was dangerous for undermining consequences, and having Vin hang around would be counter to her character arc and the arc of the stories. So Vin and TenSoon won't be talking any time soon. Sorry to shut down conversation on this one, and sorry to lead you on.



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