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Yeah, for sure. If anything, Mistress/Madame would seem to be a default address (Mistress does appear in some fantasy settings; as long as it's Mistress [NAME], we don't get the issue of the woman sounding like she is of less than ideal moral character, so to speak), perhaps depending on the country, but Master seems best for an Academic setting. I suppose there's also Magister, but that seems to carry the connotation of magic, which isn't appropriate in all cases. Perhaps among the Vhaskari... Hm...

Also, welcome, Jay! :D

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See, ______ [NAME] is what I'm looking for. "Sayuri, Master of Mathematics" sounds great to me, but for some reason "Master Sayuri", or just "Master" when referring to her does not.

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I suppose there's also Maestra, but that would give us the masculine Maestro as well, which has very strong musical connotations. Or maybe Maestrus. Fun with making up words!

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I really like Maestra.

EDIT: So I slipped it in, to see how it looks. I think Maestra or Maestrus work nicely as honorifics, and the official title can still be Master of ______.

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  • 2 months later...

We're getting there! :P Also, Matt, I have a present for you, so get on AIM sometime.

Also, Emeralis, I'm curious about Krl'hrrl's "power." What was it he's sensing about Kiki and Nasir, and why isn't Harran included in it? If it's some sort of "main character sense" as a way to get you interacting with the group, it should have picked up on Harran too. He's just as important as the other two; I just chose to write him and Kiki tandem because there's no point in me making another character sheet for him right now.

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We're getting there! :P Also, Matt, I have a present for you, so get on AIM sometime.

Also, Emeralis, I'm curious about Krl'hrrl's "power." What was it he's sensing about Kiki and Nasir, and why isn't Harran included in it? If it's some sort of "main character sense" as a way to get you interacting with the group, it should have picked up on Harran too. He's just as important as the other two; I just chose to write him and Kiki tandem because there's no point in me making another character sheet for him right now.

I apologize then. I assumed Harran was just a supporting character. I suppose you could called it a "Main Character Sense", in-story it is a by-product of the Elders' powers and, because its purpose is done, will soon dissipate. It was my way of getting close to the rest of the party, because I was trying to avoid having my character randomly decide to follow people. (I am sure that is a Trope).

Edited by Emeralis00
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I had a dream last night about a neat sidequest... Only now I forget the details. All I remember is some sort of super wealthy race was forced out of their land by an occupational army, and within a day had raised a staggering sum to pay for the return of their land (which is up on these cliffs?) All I know is it was Kuri's idea (in dream) and it was super cool, haha.

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Quite alright, Emeralis; I kind of guessed that might happen with my decision to make Harran an NPC, but it's really just a writing choice. He's important, but we're not likely to see much PoV from him; if that changes, or something else comes up, I'll put up a character sheet for him then.

And Matt, this idea sounds awesome. Mosh! Dust off your dreambot and let's get to work! X3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, it's not like she pressed the mute button on the world or anything, so no, she wasn't. :P Be careful about telling other people what their characters can or cannot perceive, though; that could easily be interpreted as godmodding except when done by a GM, and we wouldn't want any misunderstandings to come up from it later.

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oops sorry. I edited the post to fix that.

Also, just so you know, that wasn't the reaction of a normal Earthshell.

It has to do with Krh'rhl's "blindness".

Quick question though while on the subject.

How much control do players have with their surroundings?

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oops sorry. I edited the post to fix that.

Also, just so you know, that wasn't the reaction of a normal Earthshell.

It has to do with Krh'rhl's "blindness".

Quick question though while on the subject.

How much control do players have with their surroundings?

Thanks for fixing it, Emer. Didn't see the original post, but I appreciate you guys communicating and resolving issues peaceably among yourselves :)

As for your question, I suppose that depends entirely on what you're asking. What you did with the random passerby Xanethi was fine, as they're faceless NPCs. Obviously, you can't control other people's NPCs/Characters, their possessions, and of course have to live within the bounds of reason. Just keep in mind that you have effectively created a 'scene' by the collision and human pileup, and this is something that should be expanded on and resolved before your characters move much further.

After all, I'm sure that random Xanethi was none too happy to run into a rock wall and then be showered in dirt as Krh'rhl 'tunneled'. And then he domino'd into other people. So yeah. You've got some work to do for the moment before the travelling continues :P. Keep in mind, this is a living, breathing world we're working in here, it's not like a video game where you can block that Nameless's path out of spite while they try walking along their programmed path, and they'll notice if you break into their house and start searching their drawers, pots, and treasure chests ;).

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