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What's the difference between seasons?

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Stunningly ignorant question, I'm sure, but..what is the difference between different seasons of Writing Excuses? Are they themed around particular themes or genres?

Would you recommend starting way from the beginning, or just jumping in with the latest episodes?

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If I remember correctly the first six seasons or so they were fairly random in length and had no set theme. Starting with season 7 (I think) they made it so the seasons matched up with the calendar (so they start in January, end in February, and are about 52 episodes long). In 2015, i.e. Season 10 they started doing yearly themes. Season 10 was a masterclass in writing a novel where each month focused on a different aspect (such as beginnings, outlining, et cetera). Season 11 (the current season) is focused on something called "Elemental Genres" (which I can't really explain as I'm super behind on WE and haven't even started the current season... It's quite sad).

I know when he was on tour last year Brandon was telling people to skip the old episodes (for the time being at least) and start with the beginning of Season 10 (as they really do improve as they go along, especially once Mary joins them). I don't know if Season 11 is also a good starting point.

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This is an interesting topic, thanks @Quiver.

I've spent the last two-and-a-half years or so going through WE from the beginning. I like your summary, @WeiryWriter. A small adjunct, in Season 9, the team included the brainstorming and critiquing of the four stories that they wrote for their Shadows Beneath anthology, which is a lovely thing and very interesting to read and review how the stories evolved. I reckon that took them about 8 episodes, but it didn't theme the whole series.

I am now about Season 10, Episode 23. I've been slowed down considerably I've been doing the writing prompts as I go (well, about 70-80% of them). Because I'm in Season 10, the 'Masterclass' - I'm doing almost all of them as I compile my current novel - which is frustrating, because after 23 episode, I just want to be writing flat out!!

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