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Vivenna on Roshar


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Brandon RAFOed what Vivenna was doing while Vasher was on Roshar, so some theories came to mind.

Firstly, Vivenna may have been Dalinar's wife... It would fit into some categories, as Brandon also RAFOed whether or not Dalinar's wife was still alive.

Secondly, Vivenna could have joined the 17th Shard. No idea where I got this one from.

Thirdly, we just haven't encountered her yet. She could be out searching for Nightblood...


Thoughts and/or additional theories?

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22 minutes ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

Firstly, Vivenna may have been Dalinar's wife... It would fit into some categories, as Brandon also RAFOed whether or not Dalinar's wife was still alive.

That would be so awesome. :D
But then, that doesn't really match the descriptions we've gotten of his wife as not being highly intelligent.

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You should probably put a Warbreaker spoiler tag in the topic title, since this is the Stormlight subforum.

I'm actually kind of hoping she hasn't joined the 17th shard... Not because I don't want to see her as a worldhopper, but because so many other characters from other books are in the organization. It would be more interesting if she was looking for Vasher or Nightblood, or just off doing her own thing. I think she might be on Nalthis though, as a regent over Huth or Kuth (or both!). Or she's dead, as Yata says. Depends on what happens in the Warbreaker sequel.

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3 minutes ago, goody153 said:

Or she could have died you know Vasher/Zahel did say to Kaladin "choose which makes you sleep better at night , i wish i did" maybe that meant he let Vivena die or something idk.

Well, considering what Vasher did before (and even during) Warbreaker, there are a lot of things he could be referring to.

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1 hour ago, Eki said:

Well, considering what Vasher did before (and even during) Warbreaker, there are a lot of things he could be referring to.

That could be as well but i suspect it has more to do with after Warbreaker since he and Nightblood had a "falling out" and Nightblood liked Vivenna afaik(though it could also raise a question since Nightblood also knows Vasher's wife but he didn't recognize her death .. maybe she only recognized the concept of death after Vivenna's but that's just a theory).

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What about Danlan? She joined up in WOK, oddly started courting Adolin within 2 days of arriving in the warcamp, and the first real description we read about her mostly focuses on her hair (which can look however she wants it to look) and I'm pretty sure she doesn't have family in the warcamps. 


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2 minutes ago, Jordan said:

What about Danlan? She joined up in WOK, oddly started courting Adolin within 2 days of arriving in the warcamp, and the first real description we read about her mostly focuses on her hair (which can look however she wants it to look) and I'm pretty sure she doesn't have family in the warcamps. 


Her Coppermind article says her father is at the plains. Also doubt Vivenna would involve herself with the more shady stuff Danlan is doing.

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I don't have any information to add, but my head canon is that Vivenna's death in Nightblood is part of why Vasher left to be on Roshar. Like Vasher is in huge trouble, Vivenna wields Nightblood to save him (maybe from Yesteel), and ends up killing herself. Vasher walks away, refusing to keep Nightblood after that - or maybe locks Nightblood away somewhere - and ends up worldhopping to Roshar.

It's got a lot of blanks to fill, but that's what I imagine.

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On 9/28/2016 at 0:41 PM, Sarevok said:

That would be so awesome. :D
But then, that doesn't really match the descriptions we've gotten of his wife as not being highly intelligent.

it could be that Navani assumes she wasn't intelligent because she didn't know many things that are considered common-knowledge by Roshar's standards

i mean if for example Navani met someone who had never known what a fabrial is or how to use one, she'd assume that the person is dumb - except that because fabrials didnt exist in her world, it'd make sense

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iirc, Brandon answered the very question excitedly. So Vivenna might probably be on Roshar as well. I'm with those who believe she's alive and worldhopping to other Shardworlds.

Also, as Vasher seemed to be NOT a 17S guy, I pretty doubt that Vivenna would have joined the org. No matter what she's doing on Roshar, she's very likely to have missions related to Vasher & Nightblood.

Of course all these might depend on the time gap between WB and SA series.

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:


Are we sure that Vasher-as-Zahel on Roshar is chronologically after the events of Warbreaker?



17th Shard

Okay, next question. How is The Way of Kings related to the rest of the cosmere? What point in time is it?

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, so far I have written the books/series chronologically. Though, I have skipped books...



And so there will be jumping back eventually, but Elantris, Mistborn, Warbreaker and Way of Kings all happened chronologically.


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4 minutes ago, Chull #445 said:

She might have become a Shard. Crazy, but hey, everything is possible!

So you're thinking Vivenna as Cultivation?

If so, that could be an explanation as to why Vasher took on the identity of Zahel and relocated to Roshar...

But he's obviously been there a while. So hopefully we'll find out why he's there rather soon.

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59 minutes ago, Bleeder said:

So you're thinking Vivenna as Cultivation?

If so, that could be an explanation as to why Vasher took on the identity of Zahel and relocated to Roshar...

But he's obviously been there a while. So hopefully we'll find out why he's there rather soon.

I was thinking Endiwment actually. I think Cultivation is the original host.

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4 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

Wow, lot of ideas coming from here.

I... hadn't considered that. But I do believe that Cultivation's original Shardholder is still alive. I believe there's a WoB on it.




StormAtlas - May 2013

Is Cultivation's holder still alive?

Brandon Sanderson



Interview: Oct 5th, 2013


Is Cultivation's Shardholder still alive.

Brandon Sanderson

Good question, what do you think?


I want to say, but that's based on my knowledge before I read Lift's interlude from Words of Radiance. Now I am leaning towards no. Based on that interlude, it looks like spren have essence from both Honor and Cultivation. It's almost like they exist in a spectrum, on one end of which is Honor, and on the other - Cultivation; so there are spren that are, for the lack of better example, 90% Honor and 10% Cultivation, and there are spren that are 15% Honor and 85% Cultivation.

Brandon Sanderson

That's a very astute observation!


And since we know that Honor is Splintered, then it might be the case that Cultivation is also Splintered, and their Splinters form the spren.


In a prior signing report it was revealed that Cultivation's shardholder is indeed alive.


There is an unfortunately amount of wiggle room in that first question... It could be that the original holder died, then someone else took up the shard. It could be that the shard was shattered, but the holder survived. It could be that the original holder died, then someone else took the shard, then the shard was shattered, but the second holder is still alive! It could be!... you get the idea...

[After searching a long while] So I found something that might help:



Question - April 2014

What are Cultivation's feelings with regards to the Stormfather?

Brandon Sanderson

Cultivation's feelings-- I don't think that has spoilers-- Cultivation is, um uhhh [long pause] I just have to decide how I can say things that are not spoilers. Cultivation, the Stormfather reminds her of certain things about someone else she knew, and she feels the same way about the Stormfather in some ways as this person she knew.


So that definitely sounds like the original holder of Cultivation, and seems like indirect confirmation that she's alive and in possession of her shard still. More recent inquiries have all been RAFO'd.


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