So, in order to crate something with hemalurgy you need to charge a spike with a bit of someone's spiritweb ripped off from them, correct? There have been mentions as to how the spikes and breaths have similar effects, i.e. losing a breath would be like getting spiked, though much less harmful. So if they have similar effects would it be feasible to give a mistwraith a breath with a specific command like "Become a kandra" or "Connect the cognitive and physical realms of this creature" and have it work to produce a kandra without spikes. Also would this consume the breaths like it does with Lifeless or would the kandra become an awakened object. Is it even possible to awaken something that is already alive, if not fully sentient?
kaos he/him
So, in order to crate something with hemalurgy you need to charge a spike with a bit of someone's spiritweb ripped off from them, correct? There have been mentions as to how the spikes and breaths have similar effects, i.e. losing a breath would be like getting spiked, though much less harmful. So if they have similar effects would it be feasible to give a mistwraith a breath with a specific command like "Become a kandra" or "Connect the cognitive and physical realms of this creature" and have it work to produce a kandra without spikes. Also would this consume the breaths like it does with Lifeless or would the kandra become an awakened object. Is it even possible to awaken something that is already alive, if not fully sentient?
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