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Quick Fix Game 18: The Black Prism


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Just now, AliasSheep said:

I can understand Chaos, but as far as I can tell, your worry is just inactive elims?  So wouldn't Con qualify.  Or are you specifically worried about elims pretending to be inactive, which isn't the impression I got.

Con hadn't been online so it's unlikely he saw his role as such it's unlikely if he was an eliminator that he would be talking in Doc.  So it ruled him out.  It's not foolproof.  If he had PM email notifications he could enter doc without ever being online but it was the deciding factor for me.

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Just now, Alvron said:

Con hadn't been online so it's unlikely he saw his role as such it's unlikely if he was an eliminator that he would be talking in Doc.  So it ruled him out.  It's not foolproof.  If he had PM email notifications he could enter doc without ever being online but it was the deciding factor for me.

So it is elims pretending to be inactive that you're worried about?

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Just now, AliasSheep said:

So you're also just worried about inactives?

Your actions are really confusing me here, Alv.

Yes.  If I could I would just kill them myself but I can't so I'm pushing for them to either turn up or be lynched.  We are under the clock here and time is fast running out.

Good, good.

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Since I'm dying a couple of final thoughts:
If a Blue Drafter/Slave finds an Eliminator they should speak up in thread.  Once they are confirmed, via lynching the suspect, any Reds and Yellows should protect that person.  Red on odd cycles, yellow on even so that you don't break the halo.  Greens should block the suspect so they don't get off a final kill before death.
Remember, you only have a limited amount of time.  10 cycles may seem long but it can go by very fast.
And to the Blackguard.  Good luck.  Sorry I couldn't protect the Prism-elect for you.

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Quick Fix 18: Cycle Two - The Death of Death

A herald stood in the town square, proclaiming the Prism’s death for all to hear. It was his job, after all. “As of two sunrises ago, the Prism has died!” And so on, and so on. Over and over again, the Prism’s death, and when, and how, and his funeral, and the Prism-elect, blah blah blah. The herald was a bit bored, and he had entirely too much time on his hands.

So… he started embellishing. “Two sunrises ago, at the first hint of dawn, our beloved Prism was brutally murdered by a cadre of knife-wielding assassins trained from birth to kill him!” People’s ears perked up at that, and he smiled, growing more confident. “All the Prism’s mighty magics were nothing to save him from their power! Even now the assassins are at large, wandering the world now that their primary purpose - to kill the Prism - is completed. Who knows where they will strike next, or how?” People looked around fearfully at each other.

A few in the crowd, however, frowned. This man was making the crowd more distrustful, more scared, less easy to manipulate. That shouldn’t continue.

And so it didn’t. Not for long, anyway.  First, the man’s cloak caught on fire. He didn’t seem to notice for a minute, then yelped, trying to get the burning cloak away from him while still attempting to tell his story. “And then the Prism, um, rose from the grave! That’s right! Ow, this is hot! The Prism came back to life and said-” thud. A knife thrown from the crowd embedded itself into the man’s shoulder. 

“Ow!” he yelped, falling onto the flaming cloak he’d just extricated himself from. “Ow! The Prism - um - the Prism…”

Then, from the back of the stage where he’d been speaking, a figure stole up silently amidst the flames and chaos and slipped a knife between the man’s ribs, silencing him completely.

The crowd grew still as the man fell to the ground. Then, with a single mind, they dove after the figure of the assassin. Here was someone they could blame. Here was someone they could kill. Perhaps it was even one of those assassins the herald had mentioned! 

The assassin ran, but the crowd was faster. By the time they were done, there were only a few scraps of black clothing floating to the ground, and a scent of death. 

Metacognition has died, thrice over! He was a Normal Villager!
Alvron was lynched! He was a Neutral Assassin!

Vote Count
Conq (1): Bard, Alvron
Alv (3): Mark, Sheep, Meta
Ecth (1): Stink
Stink (1): Assassin

Cycle 2 has begun! You have 24 hours to send in actions and choose who to lynch.


Player List


1. Voral Grim (Alvron)Neutral Assassin

2. The Unnamed Person (The Young Bard)
3. Faren (Conquestor)
4. Nivag Pik (Assassin in Burgundy)
5. Brent Weak (Darkness Acendant)
6. Alexios of Illytia (Sheep)
7. Chaos (Lady of Chaos)
8. Human Target (Ecthelion III)
9. Has Too Much Time (Metacognition)Normal Villager
10. Stick (Stick)
11. Mark (Mark)
12. Fright Angel (STINK)
13. Epsilon (Daniyah)
14. The Blob (Elenion)
15. Test Subject #134 (Magestar)

Neutral Assassin: You may kill one person per cycle; you win when everyone else is dead.

Edited by Straw
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Now, I'm wondering.  Since @Daniyah jumped on the bandwagon for lynching Meta comparatively early, is it possible that she too is an assassin.  

And what's this about the Blackguard that Alv mentioned?  I'm tempted to think it was trying to mislead us, but who knows.  Especially since the Blackguard, you know, stop assassins from attacking the Prism.

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I also took no actions: I thought turnover was later.

@Assassin in Burgundy This seems like standard STINK to me.

I'd suggest that all Yellows and Blues get moving ASAP to scan and fortify the populace, yellows starting with themselves in case they get targeted.

As for @Darkness Ascendant and @Ecthelion III's claims, I don't find them suspicious. DA's seems like a new-player mistake (Mage did the same type of thing in QF17), and from knowing Ecth irl he prefers to tell as few lies as possible.

Assassin and STINK are both reading village to me: both placed logical lynch votes and didn't appear to be associating with any other players very much.

Now, about the kills on Meta: one of them is most likely Alv's, done in a bit of revenge. A second is most likely the Spies', seeing as there wasn't another death out there. But where did the third come from? Sub-red is possible, but so is another Assassin. We can rule out a Red's involvement because the other two kills went in fine, which means that any Sub-Reds couldn't have gotten a guaranteed kill. So either there's another Assassin out there, a Sub-Red got lucky on the coin toss, or there's another secret role out there.

@Straw Is there supposed to be only one vote on Conq? Or is it just a typo?

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Apologies, I wasn't on after I posted. For those who found my post suspicious, have you ever experienced that moment when you're pumped to start a new game and then you get the PM "you are a Normal" and then there's nothing really worth living for so you just say it? Yeah. That was my feeling.

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