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The Ship Was Sabotaged


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Note: Massive, wild, speculation.

“Then it is the second ability,” Jasnah said. “Come in and close that door. I should speak to Captain Tozbek; it won’t latch properly.”
Shallan stepped in, pushing the door closed, though the latch didn’t catch. She stepped forward, hands clasped, feeling embarrassed.

The chapter ends with a CLIFFHANGER.
Wild speculation: the Ghostbloods slipped a spy onto Shallan's ship (the new guy Yalb has been playing with?) and he's been sabotaging the ship over time. Sabotaging a latch so that it couldn't be locked would make it easier for an abduction and/or attack to happen, since they don't have to bash down the door.

“Lies,” Pattern said. “Lies from the Yalb.”
“Yes,” Shallan said with a sigh. “Yalb is far too skilled at persuasion for his own good, sometimes.”
Pattern hummed softly. He seemed pleased.
“You like lies?” Shallan asked.
“Good lies,” Pattern said. “That lie. Good lie.”

Pattern could be referring to 'lying' done by the new guy. Sanderson could be throwing a twist in here with Shallan and us thinking the spren was referring to Yalb's lie as a good lie. Well, no. The spren refers to 'that lie', and Yalb has 'lies'. One lie vs multiple.
Cliffhangers are the worst. Now I want to know what happened.


This theory has very little to go on, but suffice it to say that I am extremely suspicious of the new guy that got hired on the ship. Jasnah did the 'slip an assassin in disguised as a new employee' trick before, and I suspect we're seeing it now. There's no way the Ghostbloods have given up on her.

Edited by Moogle
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Ah but would it have to be a new guy? The ship's captain worked with her father, her father worked with the ghostbloods, the ship was 'luckily' still in the port after she missed her escape window, the broken latch is on the captain's room.

Edited by ChocolateRob
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I also got the impression that tis will be a assassination atempt agaist  Jasnah soor she die or she kick chull. They jumped thje chapter that would aswer this question so maybe we will have less one atheist in the future =(


Shallan will arrive at the Shattered Plain but now I'm worried about her master, Brandon you devil are you taking some classes with Mr. Martin =)

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it is likely sabotage, but i don't think we can rule out an accident. my first thought was that something having to do with Shallan's Lightweaving. She leaves off not reading the book about her abilities and is told to always keep stormlight-infused spheres with her. i remember how Kaladin would accidentally draw in the stormlight when he is unconscious.

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Sorry, but where do the quotes come from in the first post ? They're not in the 5 chapters released on Tor (or not in the versions I can access), are there more out there to read ?


Yes, there's another three out. Enjoy.


Edit: Darnit Windy. Too fast for me.

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Sorry, but where do the quotes come from in the first post ? They're not in the 5 chapters released on Tor (or not in the versions I can access), are there more out there to read ?


Chapters Six, Eight and Nine were released earlier today: http://www.tor.com/stories/2014/01/excerpt-brandon-sanderson-words-of-radiance-chapter-six-eight-and-nine

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Totally agree about the latch. Big red flag for me. 


 (Stolen from another of my posts) "I should speak to Captain Tozbek; it won't latch properly." SABOTAGE?!?! There is NO WAY that a Captain would allow his own (or any!) door not to latch properly on his ship, especially when we now know that they must sometimes weather Highstorms at sea. Again, NO WAY they would not be fully able to "baton down the hatches" so to speak. Something is definitely fishy!


EDIT: Oh snap, Yalb is the spy and is going to betray her, just like Kasbal did. If he kills Jasnah, I think that might break Shallan  :(  Unfortunately, that would fit in nicely with the blurb from the back cover about cracks and broken minds, etc. She already has a Shardblade...is Shallan going to be the one to say "LET'S BURN THIS MUTHA DOWN!!!" ????

Edited by askthepaperclip
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Wild speculation: the Ghostbloods slipped a spy onto Shallan's ship (the new guy Yalb has been playing with?) and he's been sabotaging the ship over time. Sabotaging a latch so that it couldn't be locked would make it easier for an abduction and/or attack to happen, since they don't have to bash down the door.




This theory has very little to go on, but suffice it to say that I am extremely suspicious of the new guy that got hired on the ship. Jasnah did the 'slip an assassin in disguised as a new employee' trick before, and I suspect we're seeing it now. There's no way the Ghostbloods have given up on her.


This is almost exactly what I thought when I read it.


After Kabsal attempted to kill Jasnah, she says something to Shallan about him not being the first assassin, IIRC.  Seems the Ghostbloods have been trying to get her for some time.

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Hmm, I wonder if the "fire and smoke" is the result of Jasnah soulcasting someone into oblivion. And I agree that the broken latch is extremely "fishy", no way the captain would allow a broken latch on his cabin. So unless Jasnah has not requested that it be fixed for some reason, then it remains unfixed because the captain wishes it so. So the captain is quite possibly part of a ghostblood plot. Someone above linked that to the fact that the captain has done a lot of business in the past with Shallan's family, and her father did have contacts with the ghostbloods; that makes sense also.


But Jasnah was probably forewarned by her spren, no doubt all will be revealed in March...

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