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Question about Szeth, Nightblood and Investiture


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Wasn't the Honorblade that Szeth carried the reason he was able to hold stormlight? Can Shin naturally hold stormlight? How will he power Nightblood, or will holding Nightblood while sheathed allow him to collect Investiture? Or is this going to be Szeth is chosen as a squire to Nale so now he can hold stormlight? 

We can't expect Szeth to run around throwing NB at everyone like Vasher did in Warbreaker, at some point he has to use it again.

Also, the human body has been said to be a leaky container and poor at containing stormlight so will he have to resort to carrying bags of infused gems to power it when he needs to use it?

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12 minutes ago, Naurock said:

Wasn't the Honorblade that Szeth carried the reason he was able to hold stormlight?


12 minutes ago, Naurock said:

Can Shin naturally hold stormlight?

No. Probably no. No evidence they can and it would have been really strange if they could.

12 minutes ago, Naurock said:

How will he power Nightblood, or will holding Nightblood while sheathed allow him to collect Investiture? Or is this going to be Szeth is chosen as a squire to Nale so now he can hold stormlight?

It is not known.

13 minutes ago, Naurock said:

Also, the human body has been said to be a leaky container and poor at containing stormlight so will he have to resort to carrying bags of infused gems to power it when he needs to use it?

Just like any other Radiant :)

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Maybe Zahel can teach them how to suppress Investiture so it can be called upon when needed? Although in Warbreaker he only suppressed his divine breath, and just invested his clothes to recall it as he needed. 

Is he suppressing stormlight too, or does he just walk around camp draining just enough light to live from nearby gems?

Warbreaker Spoiler

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Shin can't naturally hold Stormlight, but Knights Radiants can and Nale made Szeth one at the end of WoR. 

As far as Zahel (Warbreaker Spoilers)


That's super interesting and not something I had really put any thought into. I think though it's still the same concept as in Warbreaker. Vasher views himself as how he looks and has practice looking not like a god. And according to a WoB, Vasher can use Stormlight to stay alive and feed his Divine Breath, but he can't use it to Awaken like he did on Nalthis. Whether he can use it for anything else will be interesting. Assuming he can't though, I would think he doesn't have a lot of excess Stormlight he's carrying around and needing to hide because he only needs enough to survive. 


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27 minutes ago, Radiant Returned said:

Knights Radiants can and Nale made Szeth one at the end of WoR

Nitpick: we don't know if that's the case. There are those that think Nale is insane like many of the Heralds appear to be, and thus is not really a Skybreaker anymore. We also do not know if Szeth bonded with Nightblood, and if he did, if that would make him a KR (e.g. what surges does it offer, etc. -- not likely to conform to one of the KR orders). 

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The Nahel bond (or the Honorblades themselves in the case of the Heralds) is what allows the Knights to hold Stormlight, so even if Nale named Szeth a Skybreaker, it means nothing unless he also has a spren bonded.

Of course, Nightblood is a spren... of sorts. We'll see how that works out.

But Nightblood can be used sheathed, and then it doesn't use Breaths (or in this case I guess Stormlight (or Szeth's life force)). It's still a powerful weapon, so he doesn't need to power it.

I think maybe Nightblood could just absorb Stormlight directly from spheres though.

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15 hours ago, Eki said:

I think maybe Nightblood could just absorb Stormlight directly from spheres though.

I think so too. NGL, finding out how Nightblood interacts with the magic system and seeing his interactions with Szeth might be the #1 thing I'm looking forward to finding out in Oathbringer. 

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