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(Warbreaker Spoilers) Will Nightblood provide Inter-Cosmere Info in SA3

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To this point, with the exception of some Hoid chapters, Sanderson has been very careful about limiting the interactions between separate books series. He's continually said this will be the case until much later series. But SA seems to be on a track to more and more references to other stories that will need to be read by others to fully understand the series (Hoid and the worldhoppers being the biggest issues here). 

But something that hasn't been brought up a lot are interactions Nightblood has with Szeth. Vasher/Zahel aside, there was this annotation from Warbreaker. 


Nightblood, however, dwells quite heavily on the past. Though in some ways his mind is very capable, he has the quirk of being an Awakened object. The first hours of his life - during which time he met Shashara, Denth, and Vasher - imprinted heavily on him. It's like a part of his mind is hard forged in that moment with read-only memory that cannot be changed. Much of him can learn and grow, despite what Vasher says, but he cannot overwrite those initial concepts, states, and understandings that were burned into him during his birth. Shashara was alive then, so he will always think of her as alive, even if thousands of years have passed. Denth will always be pleased with him. Vasher will always be friends with the other two. Those things were some of Nightblood's first impressions. 

This isn't a huge deal, and as a reader of all Cosmere novels I'm loving the idea of more Cosmere blurbs, I know some people only read SA. So it could be interesting when Nightblood is talking with Szeth and says "Let's go talk with Shashara!!" and SA-only readers are waiting for an in-world explanation that's not coming. On a bigger scale will be if/when Vasher reunites with Nightblood. 

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Well Brandon Sanderson has stated that in his mind Warbreaker was a prequel to SA to explain vasher/zahel and nightblood's back story, so maybe he will let the two mix more freely than he has in the past. That being said, while I could see there being some interaction, like nightblood name dropping Shashara or calling Zahel Talaxin, I doubt any plot elements will revolve around world hopping, or magic system mixing.

(However I would love to be wrong, I really want to see vasher awaken something on roshar) 

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21 hours ago, Kolten said:

(However I would love to be wrong, I really want to see vasher awaken something on roshar) 

I can see this happen.

On the subject of Nightblood, I guess this is possible, but Brandon would have to put some kind of explanation in there for those who are unfamiliar with the Cosmere. They would be confused.

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22 hours ago, Kolten said:

(However I would love to be wrong, I really want to see vasher awaken something on roshar) 

It's practically a trope in its own right that the "mysterious stranger" who shows up to help will have his own magic system, completely independent of the rest.  Since Hoid has already shown off his magic a couple of times, I don't see why he should be the one to have all the fun.  After all, Brandon Sanderson has a far better justification for it than most times I've seen it.

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Yeah, but Brandon also doesn't like the deas ex machina feel that can generate. Hoid is one thing, but it looks like Nightblood is going to be more crucial to the story, and assumign that's true, I expect there to be more information given to readers.

Another possibility is to rebrand Warbreaker as a companion novel to SA.

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It would be fun to have a situation where Zahel does something off-screen, and all the characters in the book would be confused about how he accomplished it. But if you read Warbreaker, you'd know he did some awakening. I really, really doubt he'd do it on-screen - there is already so much magic to keep track of in the series. (He kind of already did something similar in WoR, when he opens the door in Kaladin's face after sensing him approaching.)

I think Nightblood will make references to the greater Cosmere, but not in ways that a non-Cosmere aware reader would realize. Like, if it mentions Shashara, no one would know that referred to an alien unless you already knew about who Nightblood really is. Kind of like Hoid, except Hoid knows what he's doing.

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