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rick riordan freeform rpg


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Thats really up to everone else. I have a basic plot in mind but someone suggested I should wait untill more people showed up.  I also don't have a location so any suggestions would be helpful. 

I definilitly think we have anough people and as soon as we have a cool location Ill share my idea for a plot and we can go from there. 

To answer your question, hopfully soon! 

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Well my plan was that my character was tasked by loki to see if he could convince the greeks/romans/egyptians to join the giants during ragnorak. 

Thats why I wanted the setting to take place in a city. I think there would be a lot more demigod/magicians in a city then there would be in yellowstone. However I still think yellowstone is a really cool place and I would not mind traveling there(in story) at some point. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know what the rules are for double posting, which is why I have waited so long. But at the same time, I don't this thread to die!

I was wondering where other people wanted to start out if I was started out as Thorn, the giant tasked to find other magic systems to help loki. 

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On 12/1/2016 at 0:58 PM, Ookla the Endless said:

May I join? I would like a character that is the son of Thanatos.

I honestly thought this thread was dead when no one replied for a while. If people are still interested, of course you can join.

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On 10/4/2016 at 9:17 AM, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Can I join? I had an idea about a child of Apate, one of the lesser known Greek goddesses. Where is this thing taking place?

I'm still confused, where will the RP actually happen? Which thread, I mean.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This would be awesome. Could I join?


I've been reading Riordan sense third grade, and have loved his books sense. But I need to catch up on the newest books. Boy, he writes fast! 

If so, I'll be a 14 year old daughter of Athena who is trying to find her way to Camp Half- Blood by herself because she was separated from the Sayter that had found her.

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