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Capture a spren


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We know that capturing spren inside gemstones is not only possible, but necessary for fabrials to function. So, how does it work? Does one simply take the gemstone and touch the spren, capturing it?

Also, the thought occurred to me that the humans and Listeners could easily have trade relations revolving around the sale of spren. In WoR, we see the Listeners trying—and failing— to conjure even a single creationspren for artform, while Shallan regularly can summon hundreds while drawing. This discovery could have ended the war, and brought in a new era of peace, if the Everstorm hadn't gotten in the way.

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Also assuming they could get over the whole you killed our king drama. Dalinar was pretty much the only person who saw peace as a viable option. If a peace accord had been worked out, I am almost certain Sadeas would have split the kingdom over it.

Good question about the spren though. The parshendi seem farther along in this regard. I can't remember, do the fabrial engineers realize they are bonding different spren to the gemstones? Maybe when you leave the gemstones out to charge they pick up whatever compatible spren is closest

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It needs a gem cutted in a specific way (different kind of Spren need differnt kind of cut) and then the gem may work as a capture device... I am unsure about how this works... Maybe the Spren is attracted by the gem, like some kind of "perfect home" or maybe you need luck and the spren have to pass through the gem for its own

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This is purely speculation on my part, but I've been operating under the assumption that they capture spren by getting them to materialize (maybe "pop into the physical realm" is a more accurate term?) inside the gemstone.  For example, if you wanted to "catch" a flame spren, you would leave a gem cut to a specific pattern, both of which I assume are determined by some combination of research and trial-and-error, near a lit flame until a flame spren inadvertently ends up appearing inside the gem.  Since gemstones on Roshar have the ability to hold onto investiture based on how they're cut (certain cuts hold stormlight better), the spren has difficulty getting back out, and in the extreme case where the gem type and pattern precisely coincide with the spren's intent it is trapped.  I would also speculate that an imperfectly cut gemstone, or a gemstone cut to a pattern that is close to the ideal pattern for capturing a specific spren, would probably be capable of temporarily holding a spren against its will.  I choose to believe this explanation because it allows for the possibility of artifabrians conducting legitimate systematic research and development in the field without having to resort to any pokemon-esqe nonsense.  Again, this is pretty much just the theory I came up with to satisfy my own curiosity about how the heck spren are captured until more information is available.

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Brandon included the PoV that shows that spren don't change when you measure them. I feel like they would wait for the spren to be the size you want (eg. put a ruler by it and when it becomes the size you want, you use that), write the measurements to freeze them, and then somehow transfer them into properly cut gems. The measurement part seems really easy since it is based on perception.

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7 hours ago, Kolten said:

That was a recent development though so there must have been a way before then

It may be a recent development from them as indipendant scholar. But maybe the Artifabrian comunity discovered this long time ago (or the Heralds teach it to the humans long time ago)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/7/2016 at 0:53 AM, Yata said:

It may be a recent development from them as indipendant scholar. But maybe the Artifabrian comunity discovered this long time ago (or the Heralds teach it to the humans long time ago)

No, it wouldn't be from the artifabrian community.  One of Navani's engineers brought it up as an interesting new discovery.

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