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Sadly, it appears that Fortune is definitely NOT a Shard


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Per WoB at JordanCon, Fortune is a Spiritual aspect that's present throughout the Cosmere. The Ire don't know about Feruchemical chromium, but they know about Fortune as a concept.


So the question is, how are Elantrians using this? I guess it comes down to the same questions that I have about chromium, namely, how exactly does it work? Can it affect things back in time? A sort of prerequisite to have things appear when you need them when you tap Fortune?

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Do we have a transcript of the JordanCon Q&A's somewhere?


My guess is that Fortune is an aspect from a magic system of another system (obviously, I guess). It makes the most sense to me that it is related to Allomancy or Feruchemy, and so perhaps the Elantrians gained knowledge of Fortune through Hemalurgy. 

Edited by Varangian
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Do we have a transcript of the JordanCon Q&A's somewhere?

Here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J43km7wrrZnOuM2WJe2DpBsk_C0E6yLJ8bDxqfen-P4/edit


Q: As of Secret History, are the IRE aware of Feruchemical chromium?

A: Not as fully aware - They don’t know everything.

Q: The Spiritual Feruchemical metals - are all four of those Cosmere-wide things?

A: The short answer is yes. The long answer is, there are certain things such as Investiture and whatnot, that when we write the books we translate different words as the same word because they’re the same meaning. So what you’re getting it is when they use the word “fortune”, do they mean exactly the Feruchemical, and the answer is no - but it is a very similar concept.
Edited by Yata
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There's a google doc being put together now with a transcription, but it's not complete as of yet. Here's the post with the link: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53640-jordancon-this-year/?p=435666.


It's good to get official confirmation - that's what I had suspected, since of the four Spiritual Feruchemical powers, Investiture was definitely present in other magic systems, and we have seen pieces of Identity (Breath) and Connection (Soultstamps) on other worlds, as well.


I wonder if Fortune has to deal with mucking with probability. It's not an unexplored concept outside of the cosmere; the main characters in Wheel of Time (expecially Mat) would alter reality around them, making unlikely events more common and things like that. For a different example, in Bionicle, there was a mask that would let the user change the probability of an event from happening. So, it wouldn't be retroactively changing the past, but altering the likelihood going forwards. (What are the odds of there being a 20-dollar bill in this jacket pocket when I reach my hand in? Statistics aggregate many different instances: for your particular jacket, there's either one there or there isn't. Whether or not there's anything in your pocket has already been determined by the universe - unless you're wearing Schroedinger's Jacket. But buy a lotto ticket with that 20 bucks, and the future is in motion. What's the chance that your numbers will be drawn later that night? Fortune could change the drawing when it happened, so it would be more favorable to you.)


I think it's interesting that the Ire used the phrase "drawing on Fortune," which sounds close to the Feruchemical terminology of "tapping Fortune." Makes me think that Fortune will act similar to Feruchemical Fortune, no matter where you are in the Cosmere.

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