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The Flash


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I'm amazed there isn't a topic about this yet. Who's watching The Flash on CW? Or Hulu, in my case.

Specifically, (spoilers in case anyone isn't up to date):

How the heck could Barry et al be so moronic as to give up his speed to Zoom? He knows Zoom can't be trusted for an instant, which is all he needs, so why did you think you'd be safer giving him the only thing that could stop him? I'm hoping there's a plan that wasn't yet revealed, but if not...wow that was dumb.


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Yeah, most of our conversations about the Flash and the other CW DC shows are in the Arrowverse thread. I've been to busy to talk about the latest events, but I have been watching all three every week.

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Ooh, didn't know they were combined. Sadly, I haven't been able to keep up with Arrow, so I don't know if I want to spoil myself by reading that thread.



I'm in the same boat, but getting spoilers for Arrow is unavoidable if you're watching The Flash.

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I'm in the same boat, but getting spoilers for Arrow is unavoidable if you're watching The Flash.

Yeah, seems that way (though I haven't seen anything in this season so far that seemed like a big reveal).  I think I'll just have to resign myself to watching the catchup videos instead of the full episodes, then go back and watch them once they're on Hulu or Netflix later.  Those are here if you haven't seen them, btw: http://www.cwtv.com/shows/arrow/watch/season4/



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Whats up with Grey? In one day his hair turned from black to white.

From the trivia on IMDB:

In the comics, Griffin Grey is Bart Allen's roommate and is transformed by an industrial accident, becoming "The Griffin", with superhuman strength and agility, but his powers cause him to age rapidly and go insane. Bart becomes the fourth Flash to stop his friend's rampage, but is unable to save Griffin's life.


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