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Atium alloy abilities theory

Dr. H

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Several other posters have discussed this:




The ideas and thoughts of the others are excellent and I wish to give them credit for their theories. If I have missed a theory that touches on a few things in here without citation, my apologies. With that said, I would like to present my opinion based on my understanding of the current known magic system.

Before we begin I would like to paint a major and well known difference between preservation and ruin.
Preservation can listen, see, and understand the thoughts of man (internal cognitive sharing via pulling). While Ruin can speak and enter the thoughts of man (external cognitive force via pushing).

The internal vs external balance may be a key to how the alloys of the god metals work.
In one of the above posts, the OP discusses their theory of larasium alloys as gifting the burner the ability to become a misting. I 100% believe this theory as well. It is very much like preservation to preserve the essence of the metallic ability. Diluted forms of the pure metal that invested a human with that essence would indeed coincide with the preservation-like ideals. This is a very internal effect caused by the burning of the metal. Metal burning away is in way an act of ruin. The user consumes metal and burns away the metal until there is nothing left. However, larasium metal burning is not something that just goes away. The essence of the metal is stored within the user, preserving the essence and giving the user something more.

I agree with another OP from a post above, that atium alloys change the way that the metal burns. However, I disagree in the effect upon burning. I believe that atium alloys are all external in a sense. Many of the replies in that post point at this. I also believe that atium alloys are in some way diluted forms of pure atium just like larasium alloys. How could one dilute atium (the ability to see all of the immediate futures of nearby people)?

I think that the information gained from burning atium is too vast for a person to really understand what they are capable of (just like a new mistborn unaware of their powers). It is possible that someone used atium and their first use of it relied heavily on one effect. You can only burn it for a very short period of time so testing theories is not something a typical misting/mistborn would spend their time on pre-harmony era--especially as it was so expensive.

I think that seeing the immediate future of everyone around is very valuable in a fight especially in an era of swords and H-to-H combat. It is possible that atium can be channeled or used in other ways than seeing into immediate futures. So the use of atium channeled into the reverse of electrum (seeing into others futures) may be the most valuable form of atium-alloy in that era. Reverse electrum may have been the only form of pure atium ever explored.

This could explain the name malatium. So I will cast away this name for now as it may just be the name that was used to describe the 11th metal as it produced the reverse complement of what atium was known to do. Instead I will use the prefix 'ati-' to describe these god metal alloys. There for the atium use we know of will be ati-electrum and malatium will be ati-gold.

I believe that all of the 16 original metals are forms of the 'self' power, while ati-metals are 'non-self'. Some of these will be obvious while others may be less so. But I would appreciate feedback and thoughts on the theory written below.

Here is a list of the original 16 metals and their abilities (thanks to one of the OP above for list):


Steel ( self Physical External Pushing) - Push on nearby sources of metal

Iron ( self Physical External Pulling) - Pull on nearby sources of metal

Pewter ( self Physical Internal Pushing) - Increases physical strength

Tin ( self Physical Internal Pulling) - Increase senses


Brass ( self Mental External Pushing) - Soothes (dampens) emotion (of others)

Zinc ( self Mental External Pulling) - Riots (enflames) emotion (of others)

Bronze ( self Mental Internal Pushing) - Allows one to hear allomantic pulses

Copper ( self Mental Internal Pulling) - Hides own allomantic pulses in cloud


Nicrosil ( self Enhancement External Pushing) - [Enhances] allomantic burn of target

Chromium ( self Enhancement External Pulling) - [Wipes] allomantic burn of target

Duralumin ( self Enhancement Internal Pushing) - [Enhances] the next metal burned by user

Aluminium ( self Enhancement Internal Pulling) - [Wipes] Internal allomantic reserves of user


Bendalloy ( self Temporal External Pushing) - Speeds up time for those in bubble

Cadmium ( self Temporal External Pulling) - Slows down time for those in bubble

Electrum ( self Temporal Internal Pushing) - Reveals your own future

Gold ( self Temporal Internal Pulling) - Reveals your past self


Possible atium-alloy abilities:

ati-Steel ( non-self Physical External Pushing) - Forces another to push (or repel) all nearby sources of metal

ati-Iron ( non-self Physical External Pulling) - Forces another to pull (or attract) all nearby sources of metal

ati-Pewter ( non-self Physical Internal Pushing) - Increases physical strength of another

ati-Tin ( non-self Physical Internal Pulling) - Increases senses of another

(This block and the next block were very hard as self and non-self are sort of part of two of these metals already. I would like you to think of brass and zinc as target mental changes of the USERS desire. Non-self could be the desire of another person to change surrounding emotions. Though this may be a stretch, but hiding ones pulses in a way is keeping to oneself. However if you projected those pulses in the cloud instead you are sharing your pulse with others.)


ati-Brass ( non-self Mental External Pushing) - Allows another to soothe (dampens) emotion (of self)

ati-Zinc ( non-self Mental External Pulling) - Allows another to riots (enflame) emotion (of self)

ati-Bronze ( non-self Mental Internal Pushing) - Force others to hear your allomantic pulse

ati-Copper ( non-self Mental Internal Pulling) - Amplifies (intensifies) the pulses of user and those in cloud

(As mentioned in previous block self and non-self are sort of part of this regime. I would like you to think of each metal in this regime as a user benefit or a target benefit not self and non-self already. It is possible to be both non-self and user, self and user, non-self and target, and lastly self and target. Here we describe the non-self user and non-self target. We will also replace the previous [enhance] with [surrender] and the previous [wipe] with [provide]. The below works as the abilities used and metals burned are not of self but of non-self).


ati-Nicrosil (non-self Enhancement External Pulling) - [surrender] user metals for benefit of target. (This would

                                                                                 enable someone you touch to access your metal reserves).
ati-Chromium (non-self Enhancement External Pulling) - [Provides] wild card burning of next metal by target.

                                                                                          (This allows target to burn next metal for an ability

                                                                                           they already posses)

ati-Duralumin (non-self Enhancement Internal Pulling) - [surrender] others metals for benefit of user. (This

                                                                                       would allow user to access the metals of others nearby

                                                                                        as your own reserves).

ati-Aluminium (non-self Enhancement Internal Pulling) - [Provides] wild card burning of next metal by user.

                                                                                         (This allows user to burn next metal as a wild-card for

                                                                                          an ability they already posses).

ati-Bendalloy ( non-self Temporal External Pushing) - Speeds up time for others nearby (tire-shape) not

                                                                                    the user and not people outside that ring.
ati-Cadmium ( non-self Temporal External Pulling) - Slows down time for others nearby (tire-shape) not the

                                                                                    user and not the people outside that ring.

ati-Electrum [atium] ( non-self Temporal Internal Pushing) - Reveals the futures of people nearby

ati-Gold [malatium] ( non-self Temporal Internal Pulling) - Reveals the pasts of others nearby


Thanks for reading. I hope that if anything this was thought provoking.

As one of two asides, I believe that the main purpose of atium (ruin essence) is to 'use up' scaradel metals (depleting them forever). As I mentioned earlier preservation alloys would preserve the essence but it is my thought that atium alloys are a tool of ruin to catalyze the ruination of metals on scaradel. Below is a link to another post on this matter.

The second aside is the use of atium for metalminds. I believe that any metalmind atium alloy will be able to store non-self attributes. Storing another persons weight, strength, health in place of your own. Any thoughts?

I will attach a link to a simultaneous post about a theory of the fate of all metals once I post it in a few minutes.



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I have personally thought that atium would give a metal external and temporal effects, as that seems to be the effect of atium itself and its one known alloy (though this is questionable since malatium was alloyed with a temporal metal to begin with). I've got an idea of what might become of the atium alloys as well

Atium Alloys

Gold- Allows you to see the person someone could have been had they made different choices as a shadow next to them.

Electrum- Allows you to project a large number of future shadows visible to others, showing the huge amount of possibilities that you might do with your next action to others, confusing them.

Bendalloy- Allows you to encase an area or person other than yourself in a time bubble in which time inside moves faster than time outside.

Cadmium- Allows you to encase an area or person other than yourself in a time bubble in which time inside moves slower than time outside.

Pewter- Allows you to increase your physical abilities as if you were burning pewter normally at a delay, roughly an hour after burning the metal. This cannot be wiped, as you are not burning any current metal for the power.

Tin- Allows you to have your senses pick up another time period of roughly two weeks into the future or past. This future is able to be changed through actions, whereas the past is concrete. Since you are not physically present, you cannot be affected or affect these other times.

Steel- Allows you to temporally push on metal objects, ageing them at a fast rate.

Iron- Allows you to temporally pull on metal objects, regressing them to earlier states.

Bronze- Allows you to focus on one individual, and be able to tell if they will develop Allomancy (so long as they have not snapped) or if they have Allomancy, what metal they will use next.

Copper- Allows you to touch someone and "charge" them up with a coppercloud, giving them and only them immunity to seeking and emotional Allomancy for one hour.

Brass- Allows you to Soothe the emotions related to specific memories the target it thinking of, retroactively colouring the memory with a new emotion.

Zinc- Allows you to Riot the emotions related to specific memories the target it thinking of, retroactively colouring the memory with a new emotion.

Chromium- Allows you to make a person you touch unable to use Allomancy for one hour after contact.

Nicrosil- Allows you to make a person you touch have supercharged Allomancy for one hour after contact.

Duralumin- Allows you to make an area around you in which all Allomancers burning metal get a duralumin boost. This does not effect you.

Aluminium- Allows you to make an area around you in which all Allomancers have their metals wiped. This does not effect you.

Edited by BramFinem
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I believe there's a WoB somewhere where he stated that all alloys of Atium are temporal in nature. Just throwing this in here. That aside, I like the idea that Steel/Iron Atium alloys age metal forwards and back respectively. Super neat idea.

Here's the WoB


Maru Nui ()

What would an atium-electrum alloy do in Allomancy?

Brandon Sanderson ()

The alloys of atium have various temporal effects.


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I really like the aging metals steel and iron as well. With temporal effects in mind how about this?

ati-Nicrosil ( Enhancement External Pushing) - Slows down the burning of a target

ati-Chromium ( Enhancement External Pulling) - Speeds up the burning of a target

ati-Duralumin ( Enhancement Internal Pushing) - Slows down the burning of user

ati-Aluminium ( Enhancement Internal Pulling) - Speeds up the burning of user

Edited by Dr. H
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I really like the aging metals steel and iron as well. With temporal effects in mind how about this?

ati-Nicrosil ( Enhancement External Pushing) - Slows down the burning of a target

ati-Chromium ( Enhancement External Pulling) - Speeds up the burning of a target

ati-Duralumin ( Enhancement Internal Pushing) - Slows down the burning of user

ati-Aluminium ( Enhancement Internal Pulling) - Speeds up the burning of user

I like that idea, but it raises some questions. Does it mean that the metals burn slower but with the same effect, or will the metals effect be lessened with slower burning?

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The effect would be exactly the same but last much longer. It would be like adding a battery pack to an electronic device. The burning of the enhancement metal would be what pulls or pushes on the temporal use of another metal. For instance, bendalloy burns very quickly. But if you were a mistborn burning ati-duralmin you would be able to keep the speed bubble up for much longer or atleast for as long as you had ati-duralmin burning as well.

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IIRC atium gives you limited shardic future sight and the ability to actually comprehend it. When Elend duralumin burned atium he got full shardic sight and saw Preservations plan.


This is basically true, but I think there is a better way of saying it.  Atium gives you a limited view of the Spiritual Realm.  When Elend used Duralumin and Atium, it gave him a much stronger view of the Spiritual Realm.

I get the feeling that burning Atium, in all its forms, has an effect on your ability to see the spiritual realm.  That this relationship is primarily temporal is interesting.

Edited by happyman
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This is basically true, but I think there is a better way of saying it.  Atium gives you a limited view of the Spiritual Realm.  When Elend used Duralumin and Atium, it gave him a much stronger view of the Spiritual Realm.

I get the feeling that burning Atium, in all its forms, has an effect on your ability to see the spiritual realm.  That this relationship is primarily temporal is interesting.


There's a WoB I'm having trouble finding where it's said that atium lets you read the connections and probabilities in the Spiritual Realm, and that this is also what electrum lets you do

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