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Pewter WoB hunt


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So, few days ago I wrote a post why Allomantic pewter is a very good combination with feruchemy (here). Then in several Twinborn threads I noticed people wondering whether Allomantic pewter enhancements really can be stored :ph34r:


So I went on WoB hunt, since I remember that I once read that you could store extra healing from burning pewter in goldmind (or some other attribute. That was long ago).

But the only thing I found was:


Allomantic pewter strength can be stored in a metalmind, but it's probably easier to just Compound.

Does anyone remember the WoB I'm talking about?

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I mean, I don't think you're necessarily looking for a WoB - I think what you're describing is contained in the Mistborn annotations, or possibly the trilogy itself, where TLR would compound atium and store all the extra youth in his bracers, which he would tap later. You might also look at Miles' points of view in Alloy of Law; he was compounding health from gold, and storing it in his gold minds, which he could tap later.

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I mean, I don't think you're necessarily looking for a WoB - I think what you're describing is contained in the Mistborn annotations, or possibly the trilogy itself, where TLR would compound atium and store all the extra youth in his bracers, which he would tap later. You might also look at Miles' points of view in Alloy of Law; he was compounding health from gold, and storing it in his gold minds, which he could tap later.

He is talking about something else. He's talking about storing the health benefits of ALLOMANTIC PEWTER with FERUCHEMICAL GOLD.

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You can almost certainly store the benefits. I mean why not? As long as your burning Pewter, your tougher, faster, healthier, and stronger. For anything but strength though, it probably level out that trait, say store speed while burning pewter, just walk normal speed, ect. Your quote about compounding is strictly to a pewter compounder, who could store the extra pewter strength, but it would be more productive to compound instead.

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