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Did Adonalsium Plan for the Post-Shattering Cosmere?


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Frost in the Second Letter suggests that Adonalsium may have planned for what would happen after his Shattering to prevent any of the Shards from causing too much damage to the Cosmere:


t seems to me that all things have been set up for a purpose, and if we—as infants—stumble through the workshop, we risk exacerbating, not preventing, a problem…[J]oin me in my oath of nonintervention. The cosmere itself may depend upon our restraint.


This statement suggests that someone (or thing) – presumably Adonalsium – set things up in ways that Hoid cannot understand (in Frost’s mind, anyway). This statement reminds me of what happened on Scadrial, when Preservation established his plan to defeat Ruin long before his death, knowing he wouldn’t be around to see the results. Wouldn’t that be interesting!


No wonder Frost believes so strongly in “nonintervention,” criticizing Hoid for “tow[ing] chaos behind [him] like a corpse dragged by one leg through the snow.” This is the conflict between Order and Change, conservatism and liberalism – a parent “perpetually disappointed” in a wandering child.



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LOL I just replied to your thread http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53551-speculation-about-frost’s-role-in-the-shattering/ and included that I thought this was so. I mentioned something about this in one of my posts the other day as well. I'm beginning to be a firm believe in that Adolnasium did know what was going to happen, and instead of fighting it, formed a plan about it.

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From what we can tell, all of the shards can see into the Spiritual Realm, where there is no time.  This is the source of what we called "Shardic Future Sight."  If Adonalsium didn't have access to the spiritual realm, and better access than any one of the shards of his power, then I am going to have to give up on sensible theories all-together.


Which is to say that I agree.  If Adonalsium couldn't manipulate his power to his own ends, even from the distant past, I will be very surprised.

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Given that Hoid and Rayse used to be friends, some kind of betrayal involving Adonalisium could explain the rift that formed between them. Maybe Rayse played/tricked Hoid, or maybe Hoid gave Rase some info that could be used against Adonalisium, not expecting it to be?


Though maybe the rift formed when Rayse started splintering shards?


It certainly does seem like there was betrayal amongst the 16 (and whoever else were accomplices) from the beginning.

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I did say we will find out what happened!

But seriously I would estimate that it will take that long. I don't think we will learn that secret until dragonsteel and I'm pretty sure Brandon said that he won't start dragon steel until stormlight is done.

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20 years sounds reasonable. I personally think that Brandon is one of the most impressive authors I've experienced. He gets a little grief for some of his works, a certain YA trilogy comes to mind, but I have read and continue to read all of his writings.


He has a big plan and an even bigger story. His shorter works are some of my favorite. SA is an epic arc that will impress me every time. But his shorter works give him an opportunity to experiment, in writing style AND to try new magic, world building, and character development styles. Its incredible to read his variety.


Adonalsium is and will continue to be a mystery. I'm ok with that!

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That wasn't a complaint, per se. Im currently reading calamity. and anyone who can pump out stormlight books and about 4 other series faster than some others write a single series deserves a little slack. But I REALLY wish he would stick to his 2 year timeline for stormlight.

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Man, 20 years. I'm starting to understand the people concerned about whether they will still be with us by the time SA completes. The older we get the riskier it is to invest time in a new epic series. :(

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I have recently started adopting some healthier habits, and getting rid of some unhealthy ones...my main reason is that I became a father almost 2 years ago...and have another child on the way...but my secret second reason for my turn towards a healthier lifestyle is that I want to live long enough to finish the cosmere!


I've also been considering starting a go fund me page to hire Brandon a personal trainer and nutrition expert!

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Man, 20 years. I'm starting to understand the people concerned about whether they will still be with us by the time SA completes. The older we get the riskier it is to invest time in a new epic series. :(

This and One Piece are the main two pieces of fictional media I am waiting to end. It's weird knowing One Piece will actually finish BEFORE the overall Cosmere meta.

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