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Why is music a Feminine art?

Bryce Carmony

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I don't think this is such an issue. Doesn't Shallan make use of her safehand in clutching her boards so that she can draw? I recall her doing this during her observations on the ship that brought her to Jah Keved and some other times aside from this. (And drawing is supposed to be a feminine art too). Anyway, the safehand is sacred, yes, but I don't think that just because it is you have to go through life keeping it away from just about any activity. You would have to use them sometime, otherwise playing the cello would require women to sprout fingers from their chins. (Although to be honest, I'm still not done with WoR, so there might be something there to contradict my statements here. If that's the case then I apologize in advance.)


As for the general question of why music is a feminine art, I have no idea. Historical precedent, maybe? Or is it because music has always been considered an activity closely related to that of beauty? Intriguing question.

Edited by Mr. Staccato
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My impression -from Dalianr's sentiments when digging the latrine- is that the difference between masculine and feminine arts comes down to 'Msculine Arts Destroy, Feminine Arts Create'.


So, men get warfare, because that involves violence and breaking things, while women get music and arts, because they involve making things. 


Now, why that divide appeared, considering there are (or were) female Knight Radients in combat orders? I'unno. 

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My impression -from Dalianr's sentiments when digging the latrine- is that the difference between masculine and feminine arts comes down to 'Msculine Arts Destroy, Feminine Arts Create'.


So, men get warfare, because that involves violence and breaking things, while women get music and arts, because they involve making things. 


Now, why that divide appeared, considering there are (or were) female Knight Radients in combat orders? I'unno. 

I think there are WoB somewhere that the implication was whoever came up with that Vorin tradition did it to get shardblades (which typically require two hands to wield)(not sprenblades) out of women's hands. 

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http://www.theoryland.com/intvsresults.php?kw=safehand nterview: Mar 4th, 2014 Leinton

Oh something I forgot to mention when I went over my Q/A session with Brandon.

Someone else's question was about the safehand and Brandon gave new information on it.

Brandon Sanderson
So that essay he told us about? The one that defined masculine arts as being ones with two hands and feminine needing only one? That was in order to let men secure power over Shardblades.
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Which would mean that it did not become a widespread cultural element until long after the Recreance. So the Knights would be less sexist both out of culture and out of necessity (you have a surgebinder. Don't waste them).

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