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Rashek's Allomancy was incredibly powerful. Far more so then even Elend, a full Lerasium Mistborn. His latent Allomancy appeared more powerful than a Mistborn flaring duralumin, orders of magnitude stronger than Elend.

It is likely that he gave himself a more powerful form of Allomancy at the well, but it seems most likely that this would simply be a scaled up version of a Lerasium Mistborn. But from how he's portrayed, he's orders of magnitude more powerful.

Why is this? Is he flaring Duralumin the whole time? This is unlikely, as it would burn out his metals too quickly.

So my theory?

Rashek was compounding Investiture. I suspect that he was storing investiture in Nicrosil, burning it then storing vast amounts of Investiture from compounding. He would then be able to keep his investiture (like his age and his health) at a steady burn all the time he was out in public.


(And if this was posted before, I'm sorry!)

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Maybe at the beginning Rashek was strong as a Lerasium Mistborn (well he has also his feruchemy) but after 1000 years using his Allomancy he reached the ultimate state of Savantism... This may explain his overcoming power.

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  • Rashek remade himself to become a seriously overpowered Mistborn when he used Well Of Ascension (far more powerful than Lerasiumborn)
  • He was a Fullborn
  • He was a savant in probably all metals
  • He was a Sliver
  • He had 1000+ years of experience in using his abilities

And on top of all that he probably could Compound his Allomantic abilities.

Edited by Oversleep
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The Well of Ascension comes with the knowledge needed to shift planetary orbits (where to put the planet is a different story entirely) and genetically modify numerous species worldwide on the spot, as well as flatten and raise mountains. And apparently records history of usage. That's not intelligence you're referring to, that's simply facts, which can totally be inserted into a guy. I'm sure it did allomancy fine.

Also, why would you make your servants any stronger than they needed to be? Most of those powers had no purpose in administration or misting/mistborn-hunting, and you're supposed to be giving them a sense of inferiority to you. Current Inquisitors are already strong enough to be near overkill and out-fight a mistborn as powerful and talented as Vin.

TLR knew the base 8, plus gold, electrum, aluminum, and I think duralumin was in one of the caves too. That's twelve. Atium doesn't count. This leaves half the temporal and half the enhancement metals, and the former had no mistings while the latter had the highest risk of defeating him (if only slight).

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I don't think he knew of all 16 metals. The Well of Ascension doesn't give you intelligence you don't have and if he knew of all 16 metals why wouldn't he have better armed his beloved pets the Steel Inquisitors? 


We asked some questions about the Lord Ruler, like if he knew about chromium and nicrosil. Brandon said he knew about those metals, and then also said "The Lord Ruler knew a lot of things that no one knows." All right then.



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I don't think he knew of all 16 metals. The Well of Ascension doesn't give you intelligence you don't have and if he knew of all 16 metals why wouldn't he have better armed his beloved pets the Steel Inquisitors? 

TLR hidden every metals he may menace him.

Electrum: it have destroyed the whole Atium Economy

Alluminium: Someone have may discovered his alloy

Durallumin: Give to a Mistborn a surge of power comparable with Rashek's Allomancy. It's a menace to him and his own image.

Cromium: Remove Allomantic reserve... Menace to him and his Inquisitor.

Nicrosil: Read about the Durallumin and think about 2 Misting may be the same thing.


Of course removing this metal by the common knowledge he hiddened also the Feruchemical use of the Unknown metals.

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also moving the planet wasn't simply a matter of strength you'd need to have enough control and knowledge of physics to alter the orbital velocity of the planet so that you were in a stable orbit again 


the lord ruler was a pack man not a scholar 

I think this knowledge would have had to have been granted by the shard

Edited by spirit
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In the epigraphs, Sazed states that ascending at the well gave Rashek a deep understanding of the 3 metallic arts. Some was whispered by Ruin too though, so that's where the hemalurgy stuff came in.

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Yeah, he used the Well of Ascension. However, there's nothing saying he didn't also compound nicrosil for more power.

But would he need to? A Lerasium bead is a tiny fraction of Preservation's power. Ascending means temporarily taking on pretty much all of Preservation, right? He should be able to make himself almost infinitely more powerful than a Lerasium Mistborn, the link to Preservation is far greater and he had the power to change the planet's position in space and the sDNA of its inhabitants! To me, he doesn't need any other tricks to boost his Allomancy - he had the means to make himself incomparably more powerful in that area

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also moving the planet wasn't simply a matter of strength you'd need to have enough control and knowledge of physics to alter the orbital velocity of the planet so that you were in a stable orbit again 


the lord ruler was a pack man not a scholar 

I think this knowledge would have had to have been granted by the shard


the orbit only lasted 1,000 ish years which isn't very long. For all we know in 5,000 years the planet could have spiraled into the sun. the simplest argument for the Lord Ruler knowing all 16 is that the Bands of Morning contian all 16. He lived 1,000 years maybe he got it from the well or maybe he killed 1,000 mistborns burning various things.

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But would he need to? A Lerasium bead is a tiny fraction of Preservation's power. Ascending means temporarily taking on pretty much all of Preservation, right? He should be able to make himself almost infinitely more powerful than a Lerasium Mistborn, the link to Preservation is far greater and he had the power to change the planet's position in space and the sDNA of its inhabitants! To me, he doesn't need any other tricks to boost his Allomancy - he had the means to make himself incomparably more powerful in that area

No kill like overkill, when you're trying to be God to these rusting gits.

Lasting for 1000 years at all is already be impressive when being at the wrong velocity slightly is enough to rocket you off into the depths of space, into the stun, or crash into some other planet after a short while.

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the orbit only lasted 1,000 ish years which isn't very long. For all we know in 5,000 years the planet could have spiraled into the sun. the simplest argument for the Lord Ruler knowing all 16 is that the Bands of Morning contian all 16. He lived 1,000 years maybe he got it from the well or maybe he killed 1,000 mistborns burning various things.

How would any other Mistborn discover it? Especially the alloys.

Holding the power of a Shard expands your mind, I find it very difficult to believe that holding and using the power of Preservation wouldn't give you some level of understanding over Allomancy.

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Vin discovered duralumin without the well. And you just force people to burn stuff and after a few thousand dead experimenters you get it. 

Because she knew what to look for and had the resources of an entire city. And was one of the most instinctive Mistborn to ever live.

How? Where would you get a thousand Mistborn from?

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Vin discovered duralumin without the well. And you just force people to burn stuff and after a few thousand dead experimenters you get it. 

Vin knew the base metal and she knew the "theory of the 10" metals was false.


Anyway Rashek didn't need any mistborn, himself would discover all the pure metals (metal avaliable of course) in 2 minutes if he wanted with the TFE resurces and without any risk.


But the Cadmius can't be estract at the time with the old technology, only the Expanded Mind through the Well may give him this information.

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Vin actually just got incredibly lucky. She was going to test about 50 more alloys, and she got it right on the 3rd or 4th iirc.

And she know the "base metal" to made the alloy. This helped her a lot

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