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[SH Spoilers] So we seen so much more of shadesmar.. How exactly does oathgate / elsecalling work then?

Slay This Rock

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I am actually not sure whether this should be in stromlight board or SH. But as there are some SH specific information, I post it here. Please move it if deem necessary.


In SH we see Kelsier had to run for weeks to get to the edge of Sel's cognitive realm , and it also seems to take Jasnah a few month to get into shadesmar, locate whatever info he need from the sprens, and finally get back to physical realm.  Both indicates that traveling in shadesmar still takes some proportional time.


So... How exactly does oathgate work then?


From my search on the forum, it had been theorized that oathgate is simultaneous transportation of the paired gate platform, and the use of it requires investiture related to the amount / mass being transferred. Sounds like we can say this is a elsecaller faberial, that can be triggered by any Radiant ( no nahal necessary / not keyed to the soul / nicrosilic?  ).


But what is interesting is, as elsecalling seemingly routes through shadesmar, the operation of oathgate does not seem to give any glimpse of the process? The mass of troop just all in a sudden see calm sky and the ancient tower instead of the colliding stroms, with no glimpse of any hint of shadesmar in between whatsoever?


Guess we won't know for sure until we learn more about elsecalling. But anyhow, based on what we know now, if elsecalling can allow near instant transportation to other location ( the Tia Aon, anyone? ), that would require a method to tele-transport in cognitive realm effectively.


Would that not be the best ability Hoid could wish for?


Now I know why Hoid is waiting for Jasnah there... : )  

Dear Jasnah, please ignore this silvery spike and what I gonna do next..

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Well, Gravitation can do various things relating to gravity, like basic and reverse lashings being different. Lightweaving can actually produce sound, apparently, because waveforms, and Growth can both heal and cause growth acceleration in plants.

It's entirely possible that elsecalling is normally capable of being near-instantaneous teleportion through the physical realm, but can also be used to send yourself into Shadesmar.

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Well, Gravitation can do various things relating to gravity, like basic and reverse lashings being different. Lightweaving can actually produce sound, apparently, because waveforms, and Growth can both heal and cause growth acceleration in plants.

It's entirely possible that elsecalling is normally capable of being near-instantaneous teleportion through the physical realm, but can also be used to send yourself into Shadesmar.


Indeed. I don't think Elsecalling necessarily involves Shadesmar, (or for worldhoppers, the Cognitive Realm in general) especially as we're given the impression from the bonus scene of Jasnah and Glys that she's Elsecalled before, but never fully entered the Cognitive previously.

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Hoid is waiting for Jasnah because, in words of Brandon, "Hoid has the ability to know where he needs to go".  In this particular case he has provided Jasnah with some useful information, and it appears that her story of the travel through Shadesmar contains nuggets that Hoid would like to know.


Jasnah's travel through Shadesmar throughout WoR is a very special case, as *she ran out of Investiture* while being completely physically pulled into Shadesmar.   We have seen others in Secret History being in Cognitive Realm physically, but Hoid, Khriss and Nazh are the three Cosmere's most resourceful people, so I am sure they have come prepared (if Nazh felt it was fine to part with his knife, I am certain he has other lines of defense with him).  


I am also not certain that the location the Ire chose to build their fortress is the "outskirts of Sel".  They are *not* monitoring Sel. They are monitoring Scadrial.

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Indeed. I don't think Elsecalling necessarily involves Shadesmar, (or for worldhoppers, the Cognitive Realm in general) especially as we're given the impression from the bonus scene of Jasnah and Glys that she's Elsecalled before, but never fully entered the Cognitive previously.

Glys belongs to Renarin, Jasnah is bonded to Ivory, IIRC.

Elsecallers are the leading liaisons between spren and humans, as I recall, with Lightweavers and Willshapers, so Elsecalling as an ability almost definitely interferes with Shadesmar in some way as a part of its mechanics (Willshapers can only elsecall to access the Cognitive while Lightweavers can only do so through soulcasting, but Elsecallers have both). But it does not necessarily send you to the other side for extended periods by default. There may be some unknown feature to the power that can speed up transportation through the other side, that Oathgate technology applies.

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