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Why the Radiants left


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I just had a bit of a jolting realization:

Spoilers for Mistborn first trilogy

Ruin was able to influence people based on how much their souls were cracked. Adding more spikes (tearing off pieces of the soul) made an inquisitor more susceptible to Ruin, Vin was more susceptible with her earring in, etc...


What if that is a common thing across Shards? Shards can influence people with cracks in their soul more than whole people... we see this with the way spren choose broken people as well.


Here comes the scary part:

What if the Radiants, as they progressed through the oaths (i.e. receiving more power, causing larger rifts in their souls), became more and more susceptible to Odium's influence. Eventually they would realize that as they become stronger, they become more susceptible to corruption. Is this perhaps why they disbanded the orders and left their spren? I've long thought that the spren had to go along with the recreance (otherwise they could have just refused to be shardblades when they were being abandoned). It would be a good reason to leave if they had a bad experience with Radiants getting corrupted once they became powerful enough.


This would also mean that Kaladin and our new Radiants will likely eventually have to deal with having an increased presence of Odium in them as they grow more powerful... especially now that Honor is dead and can't fill those cracks himself as readily (maybe?)

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Allomancers are broken in similar way Surgebinders are. Yet Allomancers are not suspectible to Shardic influence unless spiked.
For Odium to control Listeners he needed to create voidspren; yet Rlain didn't go stormform, I wonder why.

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For Odium to control Listeners he needed to create voidspren; yet Rlain didn't go stormform, I wonder why.

The Listeners who became Stormform were the ones that purposefully went out during a Highstorm with a traped stormspren and the right mindset.

If you are wondering why Rlain didn't go Stormform during the Everstorm, it is said parshmen, AKA, slaveform/formless Listeners will be turned into voidbringers. I'd say that since he has a spren, his spiritweb is complete and the spren-shaped hole in it closed, so he would have to try to change forms during the Everstorm or be somehow forced into slaveform to become a voidbringer against his will.

Edited by DreamEternal
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This indicates that if you have your crack in spiritweb filled with spren, Nahel bond with spren, or connection to Preservation, you're quite safe from outside influence.
Note that Hemalurgic creations have Hemalurgic spikes in them, connecting them to Ruin.

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This indicates that if you have your crack in spiritweb filled with spren, Nahel bond with spren, or connection to Preservation, you're quite safe from outside influence.

Note that Hemalurgic creations have Hemalurgic spikes in them, connecting them to Ruin.


Well, it more that whichever outside influence gets to you first fills the cracks in your spirit web, which helps protect you from other outside influences getting in.

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Well, it more that whichever outside influence gets to you first fills the cracks in your spirit web, which helps protect you from other outside influences getting in.

Like investiture messing with other investiture... I like it!

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I like this! On the other hand, it seems a bit weird that the Radiants were capable enough to fight Odium's forces for a Hundred Desolations if they were susceptible like this. Just my two cents.

Edited by Car'a'carn
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