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Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for a critiquing partner to look through my chapters before I submit to help refine pacing, character dev, dialog flow, etc. and also, to just bounce ideas off of.

If anyone is interested I'd be willing to do the same for you, go ahead and message me.


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On 15 November 2016 at 4:48 AM, kaisa said:

@Robinski since we chatted about this a while back... capitalization edits are apparently part of round two editorial edits. So much. So, so much. 

Lol, I feel like this might be my moment of vindication.... :D 

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And while I'm on, I must apologise for not being more present these past couple of weeks or three, especially in these moments of what passes for crisis on RE.

I decided to do Nanowrimo..., whilst on holiday for a week..., that my daughter got engaged - so, I've not critiqued a darn thing. Sorry, and I will return, and catch up as best I can, most likely in December, scouts' honour.

The other side of this coin is that Quirk: A Space Opera (working title) just crossed 100 pages and is kicking towards 30,000 words :) 

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1 minute ago, Robinski said:

that my daughter got engaged

BIG CONGRATULATIONS to both your daughter and you! What an exciting event! Of course, we are happy for your book baby, too, We look forward to you rejoining us here in RE land.

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Woo @Robinski!  That's very exciting - the book and the engagement!!  Any interest in being a Nanowrimo buddy?  I'm on the Nano website as Hobbit Half-Elven if you want to add me.  I'm working on a thriller (I have no business writing a thriller, since I hardly read thrillers, but hey, whatever) and it's been great discipline.  

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Thank you all very much for the filicitations, I am still lurking around here, I'm just not actually doing anything :D 

@Hobbit, I will go instantly to the NaNo page and hunt you down (in a good way).

@Mandamon, left (identical) reviews of Merchants and Maji on Goodreads and Amazon UK yesterday.

As far as Quirk goes, how many swears do you think I need to get an NC-17?

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13 hours ago, Robinski said:

As far as Quirk goes, how many swears do you think I need to get an NC-17?

Are you trying to give the Ard series competition? 


In slightly related news, ONLY THREE MORE CHAPTERS TO GO before ATD is complete!

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23 hours ago, Robinski said:

left (identical) reviews of Merchants and Maji on Goodreads and Amazon UK yesterday.

@Robinski Awesome! Thanks so much!  

Looks like I got an unrelated review on the same day, so two new ones. Yay!


21 hours ago, krystalynn03 said:

Did I miss the announcement or something? When did this go up on Amazon?

@krystalynn03 It came out in August. I think I posted about it... *checks* yep, back on page 17. It was buried in the middle of a lot of other conversations, though.  Need to have arm-flailing graphics next time!



Speaking of arm-flailing....


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forgot something
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17 hours ago, kaisa said:

Are you trying to give the Ard series competition? 

Not consciously, I do believe that my swears are character-driven, or have justifiable dramatic effect, but we shall see. Presently, 42 F-bombs and 33 sh*ts in 150 pages, I think I'm going to 'win' :wacko:

My submissions in December will be rated...



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6 hours ago, Robinski said:

Presently, 42 F-bombs and 33 sh*ts in 150 pages, I think I'm going to 'win'

Uh, yeah. You definitely won. I have maybe twenty in book one, all total. 

So when are we going to write a Quirk/Ne crossover? The language...

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Hello guys, it's been a long while, since I last posted. I've been lurking around in the shadows, but didn't really have anything to submit or say. I'm posting now because I need your help with something I'm not familiar with. But, before that (note my use of suspense :P ), I want to congratulate those of you who have made progress in their writing careers. I wish you greater and continued continuing success.

Now, getting to my point, I'm trying to organize a short-story writing competition at my university. I don't really know much about these competitions: their formats, how they're judged, how to verify authentic submissions from plagiarized ones, etc. So, it'd be great if you could give me a rundown of what I should do, and what I should definitely avoid. You could also refer me to renowned competitions I could learn from.


P.S: continued v.s continuing, what's the difference? Which is more suitable in the example above? I'm opting for the latter.
And let's not forget "continual" and "continuous."

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On 22/11/2016 at 3:38 AM, kaisa said:

Uh, yeah. You definitely won. I have maybe twenty in book one, all total.

I feel this is not a glorious achievement for me... :mellow:

On 22/11/2016 at 3:38 AM, kaisa said:

So when are we going to write a Quirk/Ne crossover? The language...

Oooh, hem, lol - the mind boggles. Maybe once you're published, I could write some Ne/Quirk fanfic...

...right after I write some Quirk / Steven Strange MCU crossover fanfic, to explain the multiple universes needed to bridge between Ne and Quirk's future Earths, although you do have those tesseracts...

p.s. Bang on track, 40,227 words after 3,027 words today mostly on a train for 2:30 hours there and 2:30 hours back, and the plot is clicking into place as I forge into the second half of the story - luxury!!   #writingisexciting


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Slight shift of conversation. What's the weirdest fighting style you've ever written / seen?

I ask this as I am currently writing a character who uses an Iaijitsu inspired sword-fighting technique. The character wears up to four sheaths on her person and she uses one sword. Her fighting style is such that she attacks with katas that unsheathes the blade, attacks, and sheathes in a different sheath faster than the eye can see. The visual effect is such that her sword appears to shift between sheaths ... and the battlefield around her erupts in blood.

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9 hours ago, Ookla the Kane said:

What's the weirdest fighting style you've ever written / seen?

The Mistborn series is pretty high up there. I did read a book once where an opera singer was transported to a magical land where music battles happened through singing and you could kill someone with a discordant note. My favorite fighting style comes from Mathemagics, where they fight with formulas. 

I like strange systems. Swords and fists don't do much for me these days. 

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9 hours ago, kaisa said:

Chop chop, @Mandamon! Give us the Pitmad scoop! Saw some hearts and a retweet!


In AFD news, just moved out of editors edits to copyeditor edits. Onwards and upwards!

Congrats on finishing the big edits @kaisa!

Not too much to report from Pitmad, unfortunately--only one real like, and it was a small press with some questionable credentials. I looked into them a bit and got a lot of red flags, though it's possible they're improved in the last year or so.

In other news, I'm planning to submit this monster to DongWon Song as soon as I'm confident on edits and have a good query. I met him on the writer's cruise this year and he seems to be very interested in epic fantasy and social and class discussion. Fingers crossed!

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6 hours ago, kaisa said:

ASD just got its release date! Coming to a store near you on August 7th!

Whoa, back up the bus there. Is AFD out? Was there an announcement that I missed?

EDIT: Ok, I found it.    (AFD releases January 30th, 2017, from NineStar Press)

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