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Adhesion Vs Abrasion


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I would think that something stuck to a wall with stormlight has a very strong perpendicular attachment to the wall in the same way weight sticks Lift to the ground while she is sliding, but the Abrasion change would allow the object to move laterally on the wall without falling off.

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I would think that something stuck to a wall with stormlight has a very strong perpendicular attachment to the wall in the same way weight sticks Lift to the ground while she is sliding, but the Abrasion change would allow the object to move laterally on the wall without falling off.

This would work, but it would be dependent on a Lashing via the Gravitation surge.

If the Adhesion Surge is used though, no movement at all should possible. Adhesion relies upon the use of a vacuum, not friction; therefore it should be possible to snare an item Invested with Friction (reduction).

I suppose the only problem I see, is whether Adhesion's Investiture over powers Friction's.

We're aware that Lift can make things a "little slick" or "REALLY slick". Which indicates she can increase or decrease the amount of Investiture being expended.

I can't think of an instance anywhere in which Adhesion was "powered up" so to speak.

Kaladin and Szeth both spray large patches of it to increase it's effective range of use, but I don't equate that with a singular increase of Investiture being used "per inch" if that makes any sense.

So yea, Friction vs. Adhesion Investiture battle royale! Any thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

She cannot increase it beyond normal. Thats abrasion its shared by the Releasers aka the Dustbringers and the Skybreakers. Its also the coolest of the surges in my humble opinion. The Dustbringers are madters of friction.

The Duskbringer and Skybreaker shared the Division surge, not the Abrasion (Skybreaker= Division+ Gravity). The Abrasion surge is share by the Eagledancer and Duskbringer.


Anyway Nalan says that the Eagledancer may run on a tiny rope and therefore they can improve the friction to do that

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Yes, that's right. My mistake. Though I imagine that increasing friction would be most devestating if you divided first. More surface area equals more friction energy to use/create. Also, Lift seems to be constricted to things she actually touches. For gliding around thats awesome but making things superheated would mean a lot of healing to do.

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