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Here's a place to come up with your own hypothetical spren or guess as to what some actual spren might look like.

I'll start!

Awesomespren: appear around things of amazing spectacle.  Look like floating, glowing, crystalline-golden exclamation points, tend to gather in spinning circles of five or six.

Failspren: gelatinous bubbles of green and yellow pus that stick to the face of someone who has done something facepalm worthy.

Gamespren: big, red, razzing tongues with white letters spelling "YOU LOSE!" on them.  Wander around places where people gather and lick those who read their tongues.

Okay, that last one was a joke, but most of these will probably be jokes!  This supposed to be fun, and not particularly serious.  This is also not the place for theorizing about spren, go start your own topic!

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Pizzaspren shift between two forms: red and round like a pepperoni; long, yellow and stringy like cheese. They are the bane of pizza delivery drivers.

Procrastinationspren buzz like little black flies around the head of anyone who'd rather not do that important thing they should be doing.

Fartspren are marble-sized brown globs that appear to celebrate particularly pungent flatulence.

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  • 1 month later...

Metaspren: Also known as Sprenspren, Metaspren are attracted to large gatherings of other spren. Their actual appearance is unknown as they attempt to blend in with the group. A Metaspren can be easily identified by it's rough shape and off colours. For yet unknown reasons, Metaspren are shunned by all other spren, including other Metaspren.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Failspren: Usually appear in the shape of a palm and stick to the face of those who have recently failed (commonly when the person who failed feels stupid or embarassed about said fail). Also know to appear as the word FAIL and hover over the site of a fail or person.

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