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A double take while re-reading The Final Empire


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"We can't fight the entire Final Empire as a whole—it's too big. But, we might be able to shatter it, then make the pieces fight each other.”



There really is no great theory here, just the potential parallel of the crews analogy of the Final Empire and another massive entity that was shattered.


Could this shed some light on the motivations of the force/group behind the shattering of Adonalsium? Or is this just coincidence using accurate terminology?


Ideas? Theories? ...repost?

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If one were trying to defeat or neutralize a seemingly all powerful being like Adonalsium, this would be a viable strategy, and given what we've seen, this does seem to be what is happening.  Shards are fighting among themselves, undoing each other's work instead of working together towards common goals.  


It makes me wonder why someone wanted to shatter Adonalsium in the first place.  Was the combined power of the shards being used to oppress people, or did the designs Adonalsium had for the world not mesh with those of the shatterer(s).  What was the extent of the original shard-holders involvement, and what might their motives have been.  


Another question: was the power of Adonalsium being used prior to the shattering?  Perhaps it was an untapped source, and shattering it into manageable pieces was the only way it could be used by (former) mortals.  


Interesting theory :).

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I like the thought process behind this, I always have. What right do they (Kell's crew, the shardholders) have to overthrow their God? Even more so with Adonalsium than the Lord Ruler. Makes me wonder, was there a power higher than Adonalsium that we don't know about, a la Rashek, or did the shardholders really think they could do better than God? Or were they just power hungry monkeys?

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I always took those too be referencing Adonalsium, but it could be another deity. I bet Sanderson worded it like that on purpose as a fun Easter egg, I don't think it's necessarily of major importance tho

I definitely agree he intentionally put in the Easter Egg. I definitely don't agree that The God Beyond is nonimportant, though. Sanderson may love how we speculate on every little detail, and he may be slightly sadistic in killing off our favorite characters, but I don't and can't believe that he would place something like that on two Shardworlds and have no importance in it.

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Im not sure if I agree that the God Beyond is only an easter egg. At the end of HoA Sazed says that he spoke to Vin and Elend but couldn't bring them back, and this to me suggests that there is an after life that can not be influenced by the Shardholders.

I believe that if the Shardholders were truly Gods, nothing would be off limits to them.

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When saying it was unimportant, I meant more to the specific stories than the cosmere as a whole. However, the references made to The God Beyond are in my opinion a reference to Adonalsium as a single deity, prior to being shattered. I could be wrong though, just my opinion.

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What if Adonalsium was the God Beyond's (GB's) tool, or whatever made his consciousness powerful? What if now, he's just an empty shell, lacking all of his Aspects and power? I think that when all of the shards are "assembled" somehow, the collective shards will be the limitless power of a true God, across the entire Cosmere.


Am I making sense here? I will try to summarize: Adonalsium was like a Mega-Shard that also held the personality of the being that held it. The reason that the individual Shards' intents change the personality of the holders is because they are imbalanced, each containing a certain facet of The GB's consciousness. 


Now someone point out the many holes in my logic so I can rest.

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What if Adonalsium was the God Beyond's (GB's) tool, or whatever made his consciousness powerful? What if now, he's just an empty shell, lacking all of his Aspects and power? I think that when all of the shards are "assembled" somehow, the collective shards will be the limitless power of a true God, across the entire Cosmere.


Am I making sense here? I will try to summarize: Adonalsium was like a Mega-Shard that also held the personality of the being that held it. The reason that the individual Shards' intents change the personality of the holders is because they are imbalanced, each containing a certain facet of The GB's consciousness. 


Now someone point out the many holes in my logic so I can rest.

I'm not going to point out any holes in your logic, I think you're on the right track. I think that our 2 major options are that Adonalsium and the God Beyond are basically the same deity (meaning, Adonalsium is the GB's emotions/personality that was shattered), or there is another being as powerful as the GB/Adonalsium that caused The Shattering.


And it all has something to do with Hoid.

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